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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Apter, T. E. You don’t really know me : why mothers & daughters fight and how both can win. HQ755.85.A67 2004 IN
Mixed Aqorau, Transform The Federated States of Micronesia arrangement for regional fisheries access. Pac.SH351.T8A66 1997 IN
 2 Aquaculture Department. Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC)
Video Aquaquest Video Production. The paradise islands Micronesia. MITC VC 947 c.3 IN
Book Aquatic Sciences Corporation. Socioeconomic development and ecosystem integrity in American-controlled Pacific Island locations. Pac.HC681.3.E5M376 1978 IN
Video Aquino, Benigno. A dangerous life, Part I, II, III Ferdinand Marcos and Benigno Aquino. MITC VC 243 IN
Video AR/SR Production, Inc. Into the madness. MITC VC 441 IN
Book Arab countries The house of wisdom : how Arabic science saved ancient knowledge and gave us the Renaissance. Q127.A5A4 2011 IN
Book Arab-Israeli conflict. United Nations. The question of Palestine and the United Nations. Doc.KZ4282.Q47 2008 IN
Serial Araceley family. A talented local singer remembered : O'Kean H. Araceley 1935-2008.
Book Arago, Jacques, 1790-1855. Narrative of a voyage around the world. Pac.G420.F8A613 IN
Book Arai, Sets, ill. Girl’s Day in Hawaií with Yuki-chan. Pac.PZ7.C44 2007 IN
Serial Arakaki, S.. Consuming diversity : analysis of seasonal catch patterns in multispecies artisanal reef fisheries in North Sulawasi, Eastern Indonesia.
Book Arakawa, Hiromu, 1973- Fullmetal alchemist. CRC Juv.A1 2002 IN
Book Arakelian, Adrine. Cultural landscape report for John Fitzgerald Kennedy National Historic Site, Brookline, Massachusetts : site history, existing conditions, analysis and evaluation, treatment. Gov.I 29.86/4:J 61/2 IN
Book Aral, Coskun, 1956- Fielding's the world's most dangerous places. G151.P45 1995 IN
 3 Araten, Harry, ill.
Video Arbeit, Bill, 1943-1993. From mortal to ancestor the funeral in Tonga. MITC VC 877 IN
 4 Arbeit, Wendy.
Book Arbelot, Annie. Public health engineering in emergency situation. BTL RA567.P95 1994 box 110A IN
Book Arberry, A. J. (Arthur John), 1905-1969, tr. The Koran interpreted. BP109.K67 1996 IN
Book Arbinger Institute. Leadership and self-deception : getting out of the box. HD57.7.L4315 2002 OUT
Computer Arboroscence Matisse Aragon Prokofiev an interactive adventure in art. CD ROM 0227 1995 IN
Book Arbuckle, Gerald A. The South Pacific : the forgotten part of the Third World. Pac.DU17.A73 1971 IN
Book Arcellana, Francisco. The mats. Pac.PZ7.A67435 1999 IN
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