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Serial Duranti, Alessandro. Honorific resources for the construction of hierarchy in Pohnpei and Samoa.
Video Dureett, Laura Solution stoichiometry. MITC VC 1142 G IN
Book Durer, Albrecht, 1471-1528. Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) woodcuts and engravings : the Durer Collection of the Foundation of Lower Saxony and the Konrad Liebmann Foundation, Germany. NE654.D9A4 2007 IN
Book Durham, Jennifer L. Benjamin Franklin, a biographical companion. E302.6.F8D88 1997 IN
Book Durham, Laura. To love and to perish : an Annabelle Archer mystery. PB DUR 2007 OUT
Book Durham, Meenakshi Gigi. The Lolita effect : the media sexualization of young girls and what we can do about it. HQ799.2.M35D97 2008 IN
Video Durian, Dave. Everything to live for. MITC VC 385 IN
Book Durie, Mason [et al.]. The Pasifika@Massey strategy : Enroute to cultural democracy. Pac.LG741.P34.A1 2007 IN
Book Dur?n, Elva. Systematic instruction in reading for Spanish-speaking students. LC2672.4.S97 2003 IN
Book Durr, Kenneth D., author. The best made plans : Robert R. Nathan and 20th century liberalism. HB119.N38D87 2013 IN
Book Durr, William Kirley, 1924- Houghton Mifflin literary readers. CRC PZ5.H778 1989 IN
Book Durrell, Gerald Malcolm,| 1925- My family and other animals. CRC PZ7.D8 1995 IN
 2 Durrett, Laura.
Book Durschmied, Erik. The hinge factor : how chance and stupidity have changed history. D24.D87 1999 IN
Book Durutalo, Simione. The political economy of the South Pacific : an introduction. Pac.HC681.P64 IN
Book Dussling, Jennifer. Tall tale trouble. CRC Pic.D87 1998 IN
 3 DuTemple, Lesley A.
Book Duthie, Christine. True stories : nonfiction literacy in the primary classroom. LB1527.D88 1996 IN
Book Dutson, Guy C.L. Threatened birds of the world: the official source for birds on the IUCN Red List/. QL676.7.T58 2000 IN
Book Dutton, Benjamin, 1883-1937. Dutton's Navigation & piloting. Ref.VK555.D96 1985 IN
Book Dutton, Clarence E. (Clarence Edward), 1841-1912. Hawaiian volcanoes. Pac.QE524.2.U6D95 2005 IN
Book Duursma, E. K. Encyclopedia of marine sciences. Ref.GC9.E56 1998 IN
 2 Duus, Masayo, 1938-
Book Duus, Peter, 1933-2022, author. The abacus and the sword : the Japanese penetration of Korea, 1895-1910. DS882.D88 1995 IN
Book DuVall, Jondavid. Naval War College illustrated history and guide. Gov.D 208.202:N 22 IN
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