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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Pilling, Dafydd. The state of the world's animal genetic resources for food and agriculture-- in brief. FAO.SF105.3.R572 2007 IN
Book Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mills Company. Pillsbury best of the bake-off cookies and bars. TX772.P486 2008 IN
Book Pilone, Dan. Head first algebra. QA155.P64 2009 IN
Book Pilone, Tracey. Head first algebra. QA155.P64 2009 IN
Book Pilot, Theo L. Early childhood activities for creative educators. CRC LB1139.35.A37B75 2001 IN
Book Pimentel, David, 1925- Biofuels, solar and wind as renewable energy systems : benefits and risks. TJ808.B56 2008 IN
Book Pimentel, George C. Opportunities in chemistry : today and tomorrow. QD47.P56 1987 IN
Book Pimm, David. Mathematics: symbols and meanings. QA11.P37 1994 OUT
Book Pin. [Yap language materials]. Pac.PL6341.Z77C45 1979 IN
Book Pin~eiro, Maya. Implementing programmes to improve safety and quality in fruit and vegetable supply chains : benefits and drawbacks : Latin American case studies. FAO.TP373.5.P5 2007 IN
Book Pinar, William. International handbook of curriculum research. Ref.LB2806.15.I595 2003 IN
Book Pinard, Katherine. New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013, First Course. HF5548.4.M525S530 2014 IN
Book Pinchot, Elizabeth, 1943- The end of bureaucracy & the rise of the intelligent organization. HD38.4.P56 1993 IN
Book Pinchot, Gifford. The end of bureaucracy & the rise of the intelligent organization. HD38.4.P56 1993 IN
Book Pinchot, Gifford, 1865-1946. To the South seas; the cruise of the schooner Mary Pinchot to the Galapagos, the Marquesas, and the Tuamotu islands, and Tahiti,. Pac.DU510.P66 IN
Book Pincombe, J. R. C. Report of the Commission on the Civil Service of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony 1968/69. Pac.JQ6302.A65A653 1969 IN
Book Pincus, Edward. The filmmaker's handbook : a comprehensive guide for the digital age. TR850.P54 1999 IN
 2 Pindyck, Robert S.
Book Pine, L.G. (Leslies Gilbert) 1907. A Dictionary of mottoes. Ref.PN6309.D5 1983 IN
Book Pineda Y Ramirez, Antonia de, 175l-l792. The Guam diary of naturalist Antonio de Pineda Y. Ramirezn : February l792. Pac.QHl98.G8P56 l990 IN
Book Pinel, Jacques. Essential drugs : practical guidelines. BTL RC483.E7 2006 box 180 IN
Book Pinello, Daniel R. America's struggle for same-sex marriage. HQ1034.U5P65 2006 IN
Book Pinet, Paul R. Invitation to oceanography. GC11.2.P55 2003 IN
Video Pingbin, Li Letter from an unknown woman. MITC DVD 175 IN
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