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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Hartley, Deborah. Up north in winter. CRC PZ7.H25u 1986 IN
Book Hartley, Linda. Barney's farm animals. CRC Pic.K221 1993 OUT
Book Hartley, R.L.. The Koronivia Farm Institute. Pac.S400.F5F51 no.33 IN
Book Hartley, T. G. (Thomas G.) On the taxonomy and biogeography of Euodia and Melicope (Rutaceae). Pac.QK471.A44 v.8 no.1 IN
Book Hartley, William Harrison. American civics. H95.H29 2003 IN
Book Hartman, G. L., joint ed. Bacterial wilt : Proceedings of an international conference held at Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 28-31 October 1992. QH367.5.B327H377 1993 IN
Book Hartman, Olga. Marine annelids from the Northern Marshall Islands. Pac.QE391.A6H27 1954 IN
Video Hartman, Paul, 1904-1973. Inherit the wind. MITC VC 854 IN
Book Hartman, Philip E. (Philip Emile), 1926- Gene action. QH431.H297 IN
Book Hartman, Rickie Flach. Rickie. RC514.H344F57 1990 IN
Book Hartman, Sarah. Asian-American crafts kids can do!. CRC TT160.H25 2006 IN
Book Hartmann, Hudson Thomas, 1914- Hartmann and Kester's plant propagation : principles and practice. SB119.D38 2011 IN
 3 Hartmann, Pamela.
Book Hartmann, R.W. Watermelon trials in Hawaii. VerF 1008 Pac. IN
Book Hartmann, R. W. (Richard William), 1935- Manoa wonder, new root-knot nematode resistant pole bean. Pac.S399.H3 1968 IN
Book Hartmann, Thom, 1951- The Edison gene : ADHD and the gift of the hunter child. RJ506.H9H3837 2005 IN
Book Harts, Paula. Shinto. BL220.H36 1997 IN
Book Hartwell, Jay. Nä Mamo : Hawaiian people today. Pac. DU 624.65 .H353 1996 IN
Book Hartwig, Glenn. Networking fundamentals. Ref.TK5105.5.L485 1995 IN
Book Hartwig, Robert L. Basic TV technology : digital and analog. Ref.TK6642.H37 2000 IN
Video Harty, Alverta Be prepared to speak a guide to public speaking (27 min.). MITC VC 172 c.2 IN
Book Hartz, Louis, 1919-1986. The liberal tradition in America : an interpretation of American political thought since the Revolution. E175.9.H37 1991 IN
 2 Hartz, Paula.
Book Hartz, Paula R. Taoism. CRC BL1920 .H37 1993 IN
 6 Hartzog, John Daniel.
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