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Book Regional Conference on Economic Development Planning (1977 : Suva, Fiji) Regional Conference on Economic Development, Suva Fiji, 24-28 October 1977 : report. Pac.HC13.R43 1977 IN
Book Regional Conference on Manpower Planning, Labour Recruitment and Migration Policies (1975 : Noume†a, New Caledonia) Regional conference on manpower planning, labour recruitment and migration policies, Noumea, New Caledonia (7-11 July 1975) : report. Pac.HD8931.R45 IN
Book Regional Conference on Migration, Employment, and Development in the South Pacific (1982 : Nouméa, New Caledonia) Regional Conference on Migration, Employment and Development in the South Pacific, Noumea, New Caledonia, 22-26 February 1982 : report. Pac.HB2152.55.R42 1982 IN
Book Regional Conference on Population Problems: Urbanization, Resettlement and Rural Development (1975 : Suva, Fiji) Regional Conference on Population Problems, Urbanization, Resettlement and Rural Development, Suva, Fiji, 1-5 December 1975 : report. Pac.HT149.O3R4 1975 IN
Book Regional Consultative Seminar on Population Education in the Pacific (1990: Tarawa, Kiribati) Development of population education in the Pacific : report of a Regional Consultative Seminar, Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati, 19-22 November 1990. Pac.HB850.5.O3D48 1991 IN
Book Regional Development Planners Meeting (3rd : 1989 : Suva) Third development planners meeting,Suva, Fiji, 15-17 November 1989. : report of meeting. Pac.HC681.R432 1989 IN
Book Regional Development Planners Meeting (4th : 1992 : Noumea, New Caledonia) Fourth Regional Development Planners Meeting Noumea, New Caledonia, 7-10 December 1992. : report meeting. Pac.HC681.R432 1992 IN
Book Regional Education Conference (7th: 1975: Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia). Seventh Regional Education Conference Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia, 13-19 February 1975 : report. Pac.L106.R43 1975 IN
Book Regional Education Conference (8th: 1976: Koror, Palau). Eight regional education conference Koror, Palau, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, 22 - 26 March 1976 : report. Pac.L106.R43 1976 IN
Book Regional Education Conference, 8th, Koror, Micronesia, 1976. Report : Eighth Regional Education Conference, Koror, Palau, United States Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, 22-26 March 1976. Pac.LA2270.M5R43 1976 OUT
Book Regional Education Seminar (3rd: 1969: Apia, Western Samoa and Pago Pago, American Samoa). Third regional education seminar Apia, Western Samoa and Pago Pago, American Samoa, 24 November - 4 December 1969 : report and recommendations. Pac.L106.R43 1969 IN
Book Regional Education Seminar (1959 : Brisbane, Qld.) Education seminar for the South Pacific : report and recommendations of the Regional Education Seminar, held under South Pacific Commission auspices at the University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Brisbane, Australia, from November 16-27, 1959. Pac.Per.DU1.S586 1960 no.133 IN
 2 Regional Education Seminar for the South Pacific (2nd: 1964: Noumea, New Caledonia).
Book Regional Educational Laboratories. Responding to regional needs and national priorities : Regional Educational Laboratories Annual Report, 2004. Ref.LB1028.U48R31 2004 IN
Book Regional Energy Meeting (1986 : Honiara, solomon Islands). Summary record. Pac.TJ163.25.O34R44 1986 IN
Book Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe. The Aarhus Convention : an implementation guide. Doc.KJC6242.A41998C66 2014 IN
Book Regional Forestry Workshop on Trees Outside Forests (2001 : Nadi, Fiji) Trees outside forests in the Pacific Islands : proceedings of the Regional Forestry Workshop on Trees Outside Forests, Raffles Gateway Hotel, Nadi, Fiji Islands, 10-14 December 2001. Pac.SD414.O3R44 2003 IN
Book Regional Heads of Planning Meeting on Sustainable Development (1996 : Apia, Samoa). Regional Heads of Planning Meeting on Sustainable Development, 12-16 June, 1996, Apia, Western Samoa : Meeting report. Pac.HC79.E5 R43 1997 IN
Book Regional Heads of Planning Meeting on Sustainable Development (1996 : Apia, Western Samoa) Regional Heads of Planning Meeting on Sustainable Development, 12-16 June, 1996, Apia, Western Samoa : Meeting report. Pac.HC79.E5 R43 1997 IN
Book Regional Heads of Statistics. Meeting. (13th: 2003: Noumea, New Caledonia) Thirteenth Regional Meeting of Heads of Statistics, (Noumea, New Caledonia, 15-19 September 2003): meeting report. Pac.HA37.O32T43 2003 IN
Book Regional Information Technology Strategies Meeting (4th: 1997: Apia, Samoa). Fourth Regional Information Technology Strategies Meeting, Apia, Samoa, 22-24 April 1997 : IT-PACnet report '97. Pac.T58.5.R44 1997 IN
Book Regional Information Technology Strategies Meeting (5th : l998 Suva, Fiji). ITPacNet 98 : Fifth Regional Information Technology Strategies Meeting. Pac.HF5548.4.A35R34 1998 IN
Book Regional Intergovernmental Meeting to Initiate the Establishment of a Central Asian Fisheries Organization (2008 : Dushanbe, Tajikistan) Report of the Regional Intergovernmental Meeting to Initiate the Establishment of a Central Asian Fisheries Organization : Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 10-12 November 2008 = Otche?t po meroprii?a?tii?u? : protokol regional?nogo mezhpravitel?stvennogo soveshchanii?a? dli?a? init?s?iativy sozdanii?a? t?s?entral?no-aziatskoi? rybokhozi?a?i?stvennoi? organizat?s?ii : Dushanbe, Tadzhikistan, 10-12 noi?a?bri?a? 2008 g. FAO.SH331.F2 no.887 IN
Book Regional Language Arts Conference (13th : 2000 : Tumon Bay, Guam) Libraries and archives : where information and language literacy begin, PIALA 2000, 10th Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives Conference, joint with Engaged readers and writers in multicultural island communities, 13th Annual Regional Language Arts Conference : selected papers from the joint conference. Pac.Z874.A1P33 2004 IN
Book Regional Marine Mammals Conservation Programme. Meeting (1st 1993 Apia, Samoa) Report of the Third Meeting of the Regional Marine Turtle Conservation Programme and the First Meeting of the Regional Marine Mammals Conservation Programme, held in Apia Western Samoa on 9-11 June 1993. Pac.QL666.C536R46 1993 IN
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