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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Governor’s Conference on the Year 2000 (1970 : Honolulu, Hawaii) Hawaii 2000: continuing experiment in anticipatory democracy. Pac.DU624.5.G67 1973 IN
Book Governor's Conference on Videotex, Transportation, andEnergy Conservation (1984 : Honolulu, Hawaii) Proceedings, Governor's Conference on Videotex, Transportation and Energy Conservation, Honolulu, Hawaii,January 21 to February 2, 1984. Pac.TK5105.G68 1984 IN
Book Govier, Trudy. A practical study of argument. BC177.G65 2010 IN
Book Gowdie, D.R.R. Technical standards in the Pacific Islands : a survey for the South Pacific Bureau for economic cooperation. Pac.HD62.G69 1983 IN
Book Gowdy, John M. Paradise for sale : a parable of nature. Pac.HC682.25.Z9M33 2000 IN
Book Gowin, D.B. The art of educating with V diagrams. LB1060.G72 2005 IN
Book Gowing, Peter G. Acculturation in the Philippines; essays on changing societies. A selection of papers presented at the Baguio Religious Acculturation Conferences from 1958 to 1968. Pac.HN713.B33 1971 IN
Book Goya, Carola. The language of Spanish dance. GV1673.M35 1990 IN
Video Goyette, Gabrielle. Sudden infant death syndrome. MITC VC 959 IN
Book Graaf, Gertjan de Geographic information systems in fisheries management and planning : technical manual. FAO.SH1.F2 IN
Book Grabar, Andre. 1896- [from old catalog] Greek mosaics of he Byzantine period. NA3780.G75 1964 IN
Book Grabelle, Samantha, 1970- The big picture : education is everyone's business. LB14.7.L58 2004 IN
Book Graber, Doris A. (Doris Appel), 1923- Mass media and American politics. HN90.M3G7 2010 IN
Book Grabo, Cynthia M. Anticipating surprise : analysis for strategic warning. Gov.D5.202:ST8/2 IN
Book Grabowski, Barbara Louis Hopkins, 1948- Handbook of individual differences, learning, and instruction. LB1060.J66 1993 IN
Book Grabowski, John. Japan. DS889.S3 1999 IN
 3 Grabowski, John F.
Book Grabowski, Sandra Reynolds. Principles of anatomy and physiology. QP34.5.T63 2000 OUT
Book Grace, Aimee M. I'm third : God is first, everyone else is second, I'm third ; an American boy of depression years ; memoirs of Robert A. Nordyke, M.D. Pac.R154.N694A3 2003 IN
 2 Grace, Catherine O'Neill, 1950-
Book Grace, Christopher, 1953- Medical management of infectious disease. Ref.RC111.M424 2003 IN
Mixed Grace, George W. The Linguistic evidence.
Book Grace, George William, 1921 The position of the Polynesian language within the Austronesian (Malayo-Polynesian) language family. Pac.PL6401.G6G7 1959 IN
Book Grace, N. B. Dealing with Dad how to understand your changing relationship. HQ756.P41 2007 OUT
 6 Grace, Patricia, 1937-
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