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Book Steury, Donal Paul. Intentions and capabilities : estimates on Soviet strategic foreces, 1950-1983. Gov.PREX3.17:IN8 IN
Book Steury, Donald Paul. On the front lines of the Cold War : documents on the intelligence war in Berlin, 1946 to 1961. Gov.PREX3.18:D65 IN
Book Stevens, Anthony Jung : a very short introduction. BF109.J8S74 1994 IN
Book Stevens, Carla. Lily and Miss Liberty. CRC Juv.S84 1992 IN
Book Stevens, Dannelle D. Introduction to rubrics : an assessment tool to save grading time, convey effective feedback, and promote student learning / Dannelle D. Stevens, Antonia Levi. LB3063.S74 2005 IN
Book Stevens, David, 1940- Alex Haley's Queen : the story of an American family. E185.97.H24A3 1993 IN
Book Stevens, David, 1952- Developing intercultural competence in practice. P94.6.D48 2001 IN
Video Stevens, Emily, producer. In the shadow of the reich. MITC DVD 160 IN
Book Stevens, Floyd A. Complete course in professional piano tuning, repair, and rebuilding. ML652.S4 1972 IN
Book Stevens, Graeme R. Prehistoric New Zealand. Pac.QE348.2.S73 1995 IN
Book Stevens, J. D. (John Donald), 1947- ed. Sharks. QL638.9.S454 1999 IN
Book Stevens, James Thomas, 1966- Mohawk / Samoa : transmigrations. Pac.PS3569.T4515M64 2005 IN
Book Stevens, John. Okinawa : the last battle : photographs. Pac.D769.A533 1948 IN
Serial Stevens, Kate Wasting coconuts? : consumption versus commerce in Collonial Wallis and Futuna.
 2 Stevens, Louise, ed.
Book Stevens, Russell L. Guam, U.S.A. : birth of a Territory. Pac.DU647.S78 IN
Book Stevens, Russell L. 1917- Guam, U.S.A. : birth of a Territory. Pac.DU647.S73 1956 IN
Book Stevens, Stan. Conservation through cultural survival : indigenous peoples and protected areas. GF75.C69 1997 IN
Book Stevens, Stuart. Malaria dreams : an African adventure. DT472.S74 1989 IN
Book Stevens, Wallace, 1879-1955. Collected poems. PS3537.T4753 1954 IN
Book Stevens, William D. A study of depopulation on Yap Island. Pac.GN671.C3S6 IN
 2 Stevenson, Angus.
Book Stevenson, Burton Egbert, 1872- comp. The home book of verse, American and English, 1580-1920 : with an appendix containing a few well-known poems in other languages. PR1175.S76 IN
Book Stevenson, Charles Hugh. The book of the pearls : the history, art, science and industry of the queen of gems. NK7680.K8 1993 IN
Book Stevenson, Daniel B., 1952- The great calming and contemplation : a study and annotated translation of the first chapter of Chih-i's Mo-ho chih-kuan. BQ9149.C454M6433 1993 IN
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