View previous page View next page Author Search:  Albom, Mitch, 1958-
  Author Title Call Number Status
 2 Ahmad, Tahir, 1928-2003.
 3 Ahmadu, Mohammed L.
Book Ahmadu, Mohammed L. Senior Lecturer, School of Law, The University of the South Pacific. External trade and investment law in the South Pacific : an introductory guide. Pac.KVC219.H84 2000 IN
Book Ahmann, J. Stanley. Measuring and evaluating educational achievement. LB3063.A435 OUT
Book Ahmed, Abu Tweb A. Checklist of the parasites of fishes of Bangladesh. FAO.SH1.F2 IN
Book Ahmed, Akbar S. Islam today : a short introduction to the muslim world. BP161.2.A46 1999 IN
Book Ahmed, Kabir Reproductive health commodity security status assessment report : Papua New Guinea, 5-17 June 2015. Pac.HQ766.5.P3M44 2008 IN
Book Ahmed, Maqbul. Science and technology in Islam. BP190.5.S3S2 2001 IN
 3 Ahmed, Saleem.
Book Ahmed, Saleem, editor. Appropriate use of fertilizers in Asia and the Pacific : Proceedings of a seminar, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. Pac.S633.F43 1995 IN
Book Ahmed, Sara K., author. Being the change : lessons and strategies to teach social comprehension. BF697.S65A45 2018 IN
Serial [AHPW]. Letter to the editor: [AHPW].
Book Ahrens, C. Donald. Meteorology for scientists and engineers. QC861.2.S79 2000 IN
Book Ahronheim, Judith R. High-level subject access tools and techniques in Internet cataloging. ZA4232.H54 2002 IN
Book Ai, Xianhua Reading in China. PN98.B7Y9 2007 IN
 2 Aiavao, Ulafala
Book Aid Association for Lutherans. Storytime with your children : insights and suggestions for reading aloud with your children plus a listing of books for young children. CRC LB1042.L38 1994 IN
Book Aid/Peace Corps Disaster Preparedness Conference (1982 : Honolulu, Hawaii) Summary record : Aid/Peace Corps Disaster Preparedness Conference, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 19-22, 1982. Pac.HV555.O3A35 1982 IN
Book AIDAB. Understanding AIDS : Pacific News; AIDS in the Pacific. Pac.RC607.A26U53 1991 IN
Video Aiers, Bill Guaguin in Tahiti. MITC VC 749 IN
Book Aigner, Wanda. I'm just Wanda, but Jesus is G-O-D. Pac.BV3705.A44I65 2010 IN
Serial Aikala, Maggie Saofetalai. Samoan success: On the journey to building highly qualified teachers.
Book Aiken, Lewis R., 1931- Personality : theories, research, and applications. BF698.A3364 1993 IN
Book Aikman, Ann, joint author. Stress : what it is, what it can do to your health, how to handle it. RA785.M398 1993 OUT
 2 Aikman, Lonnelle.
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