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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Loconto, Allison, author. Impact of international voluntary standards on smallholder market participation in developing countries : a review of the literature. FAO.HD9018.D44L63 2014 IN
Book Locsin, Raul L. Noli me tangere. Pac.PQ8897.R5N513 1997 IN
Book Locurto, C. M. Sense and nonsense about IQ : the case for uniqueness. BF431.L548 1991 IN
Book Lodge, David, 1935- The art of fiction : illustrated from classic and modern texts. PR826.L63 1993 IN
Mixed Lodge, Henry S. Why love heals. VF 278 CRO 2006 IN
Book Lodge, O. R. (Orlan Robert), 1917- The recapture of Guam. Pac.D767.99.G8V48 IN
Book Lodish, Harvey F. Molecular cell biology. QH581.2.D37 1986 IN
Book Loe, Mary, 1944- The LIRT library instruction handbook. Ref.Z711.2.L77 1990 IN
Book Loeak, Anono Lieom. Life in the Republic of the Marshall Islands = Mour ilo Republic eo an Maj“l. Pac.DU710.L45 2004 IN
 2 Loebbecke, James K.
Book Loebel-Fried, Caren. Hawaiian legends of dreams. Pac.PZ8.1.L82 2005 IN
Book Loeber, Charles R. Building the bombs : a history of the nuclear weapons complex. UA23.L653 2002 IN
Book Loecke, John. Organizing idea book. NK2115.L79 2005 IN
Book Loewen, Mark A. New materials of Masiakasaurus knopfleri Sampson, Carrano, and Forster, 2001, and implications for the morphology of the Noasauridae (Theropoda:Ceratosauria). Gov.SI 1.30:95 IN
Book Loewy, Ariel G. Cell structure and function : an integrated approach. QH581.L6 1991 IN
Book Lofgren, Stephen J. Then came the fire : personal accounts from the Pentagon, 11 September 2001. Gov.D 114.2:P 36 IN
Video Lofman, Carl O. Portrait of a killer on hypertension. MITC VC 95 IN
Book Lofquist, William A. Discovering the meaning of prevention : a practical approach to positive change. HN17.L62 2000 IN
Book Lofton, Terry. Coyote and the turtle's dream: graphic novel. Gov.HE20.7002:D54/9 IN
Book Lofton, Terry, author. Hummingbird's squash. Gov.HE20.7002:H88/4 IN
Book Loftus, Ronald P. Telling lives : women's self-writing in modern Japan. CT25.T45 2004 IN
Book Loftus, Simon. A pike in the basement : tales of a hungry traveller. TX725.A1L64 1989 IN
Serial Logan, Christorpher W. Assessment of WIC cost-containment practices : executive summary. Gov.A93.60:31 IN
Book Logan, Karen. Clean house, clean planet : clean your house for pennies a day, the safe, nontoxic way. TX324.L64 1996 IN
 3 Logan, Tamara.
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