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Book Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers. Traditional building techniques of Mwoakilloan sailing canoes : Final report. Pac.GN671.M83N13 1997 IN
Serial Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers program (JOCV). Celebrating JOCV 20th Anniversary.
Book Japan Overseas Corporation Volunteers. Nihongo suteppu ni= Japanese step two. Pac.PL535.F8 1991 IN
Book Japan Overseas Port Cooperation Association (JOPCA) Outline planning for FSM airport development : pre-feasibility study on development of FSM Airport and Air Transportatiom. Pac.TL725.3.P5J27 1997 IN
Book Japan Playwrights Association. Half a century of Japanese theater. PL782.E5H35 1999 IN
Book Japan Pothographers Association. A century of Japanese photography. TR105.J27 1980 IN
Mixed Japan. Rikugun Sanbo-Honbu. Operational history of Japanese naval communications, December 1941-August 1945. VerF.0917 Pac. IN
Serial Japan. S¯orifu. T¯okeikyoku. Statistical handbook of Japan.
Book Japan. Shinjuku-ku Tokyo. Statistical handbook of Japan. Ref.HA1832.S1 1991 IN
Book [Japan South Seas Bureau]. Laws and Regulations : The South Sea Islands under Japanese mandate. Pac.DU500.J35 1934 Annex IN
Book Japan Special Libraries Association. Directory of information sources in Japan 1986. Ref.Z845.J4D57 1986 IN
Book Japan. War Memorial Maritime Museum. Japanese shipwrecks in Micronesia. Pac.G525.J11 2007 c.3 IN
Book Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii. Washington Place : a first lady’s story. Pac.DU627.83.A76A3 2004 IN
Book Japanese Fisheries Association Proceedings of the International Tuna Fishers Conference on Responsible Fisheries & Third International Fishers Forum : July 25-29, 2005, Inter-Continental Grand, Yokohama, Japan. Pac.SH328.W39 2006 IN
Book Japanese International Cooperation Agency. Manuscript collection of country statements and background papers. Pac.SH319.A2D35 1995 IN
Book Japanese Ministry of Finance. Land, buildings, others. Pac.HD1121.M625M5 IN
Book Japanese Ministry of Finance Custodian Section File. Year 1943 Ministry of Colonies, South Sea Government, Special account: Government properties in the mandated area land, buildings, others. Pac.HD1131.Y43 1969 IN
Book Japanese Society for Oceanic Studies. Man and culture in Oceania. Pac.GN662.M36 1987 IN
Serial Jaques Cattell Press. American library directory : a classified list of libraries in the United States and Canada, with personnel and statistical data. Ref.Z731.A53 IN
Book Jaques, Francis Lee, 1887-1969. Birds of the Southwest Pacific : a field guide to the birds of the area between Samoa, New Caledonia, and Micronesia. Pac.QL694.A1M32 1978 IN
Book Jaques, Richard. Issues in international law and military operations. Gov.D208.207:80 IN
Serial Jaraman, Tiru K. Feasibility study of a single currency for Pacific islands : a principal components approach.
Video Jardan Films. NADIA : on Nadia Comanache, Romania. MITC VC 117 IN
Book Jardel, Jean-Pierre. Antilles. Ref.F1698.J3 IN
Book Jardin, Claude. Kulu, kuru, uru : lexicon of names of food plants in the South Pacific. Pac.SB451.36.O3J37 1974 IN
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