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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Republic of Palau. Sixth Constitutional Government. Inauguration ceremmony program : preserve the best, improve the rest new beginnings, renewed commitments and hopes.
 2 Republic of Palau. Supreme Court.
Book Republic of Singapore. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Diplomatic & consular list. Pac.Per.DS608.7.D62 IN
Book Republic of the Marshall Islands. Environment Promotion Authority. Formulation of a coastal zone management plan for Majuro Atoll, 1998. Pac.HT391.F65 1998 IN
Book Republic of the Marshall Islands. Historic Preservation office. Archaeological survey of Wotto Atoll. Pac.DU710.T49 2004 IN
 2 Republic of the Marshall Islands. Ministry of Education
Book Republic of the Marshall Islands. Office of Planning and Statistics. Closing report for the 1990 Household Income and Expenditures pilot survey for the Office of Planning and Statistics in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Pac.HC684.H685 1990 IN
 2 Republic Pictures Corporation.
 2 Rere, Taira.
 2 Resano, Francisco.
Book Resau, Laura. Red glass. PZ7.R2978Red 2012 IN
Book Rescorla, Leslie. Multicultural understanding of child and adolescent psychopathology : implications for mental health assessment. RJ499.M85A4 2007 IN
Book Research and Evaluation Associates, Inc. Evaluation of the Territorial Teacher Training Assistance Program (TTTAP), May 31, 1989: final report. Pac.LB1731.M5R22 1989 IN
Book Research Associates, Honolulu. Tax survey, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.HJ3180.R47 1956 IN
Book Research Committee on the Study of Honolulu Residents. Honolulu’s Japanese Americans in comparative perspective. Pac.E184.J3H48 1984 IN
Book Research Committee on the Study of Japanese Americans in Honolulu, Hawaii. Honolulu’s Japanese Americans in comparative perspective. Pac.E184.J3H48 1984 IN
Book Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii. A study of the training potential in Hawaii to provide fishing and processing methods training to citizens and fishery development officers of the central and western Pacific. Pac.SH332.2.M5M32 1973 IN
Mixed Research in Anthropology and Linguistics. Listening encounters: sound recordings and cultural meaning from Chuuk State, Micronesia. Pac.D16.14.D54 IN
Book Research Libraries Group. Moving theory into practice : digital imaging for libraries and archives. Ref.Z681.3.D53K455 2000 IN
Book Research Planning Workshop on Ways of Developing Entrepreneurial Initiative in Rural Centers and Low-Income Urban Communities (1975 : East-West Center). Entrepreneurial development in low-income communities : research plan and working proposals / report of Research Planning Workshop on Ways of Developing Entrepreneurial Initiative in Rural Centers and Low-Income Urban Communities, May 19-June 6, 1975. Pac.HB601.R47 1975 IN
Serial Research Resources Information Center. NCRR reporter. Gov.HE20.3013/6: IN
Book Resei Ysauo. Met sia fori non ewe wik: Puken annea ren ewin me aruuen mwich. Pac.PL6318.T7H5 IN
Book Resh, Vincent H. Encyclopedia of insects. Ref.QL462.3.E483 2003 IN
Video Reskin, Ann. Working with stress. Gov.HE20.7129:ST8/DVD IN
Book Resnick, Mitchel, author. Lifelong kindergarten : cultivating creativity through projects, passion, peers, and play. LB1590.5.R47 2017 IN
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