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  Author Title Call Number Status
 7 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Health Services.
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Department of Health Services. Office of the High Commissiner. Health assistant retraining program : trauma and emergencies. Pac.RD93.P33 IN
 4 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Department of Health Services. Office of the High Commissioner.
 2 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Personnel.
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Personnel. Training Division. Introduction to supervision; a basic course for the government supervisor. Pac.HF5549.V293 IN
 2 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Public Works.
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Public Works. Degign/Engineering Division. Yap hospital : technical specifications/. Pac.TH3411.Y3 IN
Mixed Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Public Works. Design and Engineering Department. Outer Island Dispensary clinic program.
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Public Works, Design and Engineering Division. Specifications for local public works capital development and investment program, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.HD3866.M5T73 IN
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Department of Public Works, Headquarters. Specifications for Ponape District, Kosrae District, Truk District, Yap District. Pac.HD3881.P33 1977 IN
 2 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Public Works. Planning Division.
Mixed Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Public Works. Saipan, Mariana Islands. Ponape Hospital : Contract TT-173-105.
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Resources. Copra processing in the Trust Territory : a report to the Congress of Micronesia. Pac.HD9259.C6M57 IN
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Resources abd Development. The Marketing of live salt water tropical fish : a revised analysis. Pac.HF5475.D44P33 1973 IN
 14 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Department of Resources and Development.
 3 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Resources and Development. Division of Land Management.
 3 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Resources and Development. Division of Lands and Surveys.
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Resources and Development. Economic Development Division. Statistical atlas of economic indicators for Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.HC687.M5T7 1972 IN
 4 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Department of the Interior.
 30 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Dept. of Education.
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Dept. of Education. Adult Education Curriculum Development Project. Micronesia : understanding our government. Pac.JQ6452.A5M4 IN
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). . Dept. of Education. |b Truk District. Aferika: A book for social studies classes in the Elementary Schools of Truk District. Pac.DT6.G34 1959 IN
 2 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Dept. of Education. Elementary Science Improvement Project.
Book Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Dept. of Education. Mariana District. Social Studies Program. O'Keefe, king of Yap. Pac.DU568.Y372 O34 1971 IN
 3 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Dept. of Education. Marshalls District.
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