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 17 Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific See: United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Book Economic and Social Commission for Asia anf the Pacifi. Report of the joint evaluation mission of the United Nations Pacific Energy Development Programme and the Forum Secretariat Energy Activities. Pac.HD9502.A2F47 1989 IN
Book Economic and Social Council. Trade issues and development prospects of island developing countries of the P /acific. Pac.HC681.A5O1 1996 c.2 IN
 2 Economic Commission for Europe.
Economic Commission for Europe See: United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe
Book Economic Commission for Europe. United Nations. Recommendations for measuring older populations in institutions. Doc.HQ1061.A43 2020 IN
Book Economic Development Authority. Financial statements and independent auditors' report year ended September 30, 1995. Pac.HJ1601.M625D45 1995 IN
Serial Economic Development Division Secretariat of the Pacific Community Economic Development Annual report 2011. Pac.HC681.E7S3 2012 IN
 2 Economic Development Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community.
Book Economic Development Foundation. Proposal for consultancy services selected agribusiness feasibility studies. Pac.HD900.9.M5P33 IN
Book Economic Insights Pty. Ltd. The Solomon Islands economy : achieving sustainable economic development. Pac.HC684.S647 1994 IN
 2 Economic Management Policy Advisory Team.
Book Economic Management Policy Advisory Team (EMPAT). Federated States of Micronesia : Economic review. Pac.HC681.7.M5F42 2001 IN
Mixed Economic Management Policy Team. Chuuk state government's role in the public sector reform program & the early retirement program. VerF.0948 Pac. IN
Serial Economic Research Centre (China) Almanac of China's economy. Ref.HC427.92.A1A45 1982 IN
Book Economic Summit of Smaller Island State Leaders. (2nd: 1992: Honiara, Solomon Islands). Second Economic Summit of Smaller Island State Leaders Rarotonga, Honiara, Solomon Islands 7 July 1992 : report. Pac.DU29.S63s 1992 IN
Book Economic Summit of Smaller Island State Leaders (3rd: 1993: Funafuti, Tuvalu). Third Economic Summit of Smaller Island State Leaders, Funafuti, Tuvalu, 18-19 January 1993 and Committee on Smaller Island States Meeting and meeting of private sector representatives of smaller island states: report. Pac.DU29.T45 1993 IN
Book Economic Summit of Smaller Island State Leaders (1992 :Cook Islands) Economic Summit of Smaller Island State Leaders Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 16-17 January 1992 : report. Pac.DU29.S63 1992 IN
Book Economic Summit of Smaller Island State Leaders (1993 :Tuvalu. Third Economic Summit of Smaller Island State Leaders, Funafuti, Tuvalu, 18-19 January 1993 and Committee on Smaller Island States Meeting and meeting of private sector representatives of smaller island states: report. Pac.DU29.T45 1993 IN
Book Economics and Development Resource Center (Asian Development Bank) Challenges for Asia's trade and environment. Pac.HC412.B76 1998 IN
Book Economics and Statistics Administration. United States summary, 2010. Gov.C3.223/5:2010 CPH-2-1 IN
Book Economist Books. The future of technology. T173.8.F88 2005 IN
Book Economist Intelligence Unit Country profile. Pac.HC681.A1C686 IN
Book Economopoulos, Panos. Visual C++ 5 ActiveX COM Control Programming. QA76.73.C153L53 1997 IN
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