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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Pottiez, Jean-Marc. A walk with a white Bushman. PR9369.3.V33Z478 1986 IN
Book Pottker, Janice. Dear Ann, Dear Abby : the unauthorized biography of Ann Landers and Abigail Van Buren. PN4874.L23P85 1987 IN
Book Potton, Craig. Earth, sea, sky : images and Maori proverbs from the natural world of Aotearoa New Zealand. Pac.PN6519.M35G75 2003 IN
Book Potton, Craig, 1952- Naturewatch New Zealand : how to experience New Zealand's native wildlife. Pac.QL340.H86 1995 IN
Book Potts, Cheryl A story chest of graphic organizers. CRC LB1027.4.P85 2006 IN
Mixed Potts, D.C. Crown-of-thorns starfish - man-induced pest or natural phenomenon?. Pac.QH197.E35 1981 IN
Book Potts, Malcolm, 1935- Sex and war : how biology explains warfare and terrorism and offers a path to a safer world. HM554.P68 2008 IN
Book Potts, Michael, 1944- The independent home : living well with power from the sun, wind, and water. TJ163.5.D86P68 1993 IN
Book Potts, Nicki L. (Nicki Lee) Pediatric nursing : caring for children and their families. RJ245.P4185 2007 IN
Serial Potts, Richard, 1953- The Old World Paleolithic and the development of a national collection. Gov.SI1.33:48 IN
Video Potts, Robert Teaching shakespeare : new approaches from the folger Shakespeare library. MITC VC 826 IN
Mixed Potts, Robert W. L. Prelimnary report on an insect survey of Truk. VerF 0832.54 Pac IN
Book Pough, F. Harvey. Vertebrate life. QL605.P68 2002 IN
Book Pough, Frederick H. A field guide to rocks and minerals. Ref.QE367.2.P68 1976 IN
 3 Poulain, Florence.
Book Poulain, Florence, author. Fisheries and aquaculture emergency response guidance. FAO.SH343.9.C38 2014 IN
Book Poulin, A. Contemporary American poetry. PS613.C76 1985 IN
Serial Poulin, Neil Caricature of infinity.
Book Poulsen, Erik B. FrontPage 2000 : the complete reference. TK5105.8885.M53M38 1999 IN
Serial Poulton, Robin. Bound to cooperate : conflict, peace and people in Sierra Leone. Doc.DT516.826.B68 2000 IN
Book Pounds, Norman John Greville. An historical geography of Europe. D21.5.P62 1990 IN
Book Poupin, J. Guide des crustaces decapodes du pacifique Sud = A guide to the decapod crustaceans of the South Pacific. Pac.QL444.M33P68 2010 IN
 2 Pournelle, Jerry, 1933-
Book Povenmire, Dan. Freeze frame. CRC Juv.O9 2010 IN
Book Poverman, C. E., 1944- Skin : stories. PS3566.O83S55 1992 IN
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