View previous page View next page Author Search:  Stafford, D. M. 1927-
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Stilton, Thea Thea Stilton and the secret city. CRC Juv.S5 2010 IN
Book Stimpson, Catharine R., 1936- ed. Women and the "equal rights" amendment : Senate subcommittee hearings on the constitutional amendment, 91st Congress. KF26.J836 1972 IN
Book Stimpson, Philip. Better supervision, better teaching : a handbook for teaching practice supervisors. LB2157.A3B48 2000 IN
Book Stinchcomb, James D. Opportunities in law enforcement and criminal justice careers. HV8143.S86 1996 IN
Book Stine, H. William. A Chipmunk Christmas. CRC Pic.S86 1985 IN
Book Stine, Megan. A Chipmunk Christmas. CRC Pic.S86 1985 IN
Book Stine, R. L. Vampire breath. CRC Juv.S75 1996 IN
 3 Stingl, Miloslav.
Serial Stinnett, Bill. The kindness of strangers who become friends.
Book Stinson, Craig. Running Microsoft Excel for Windows 95. HF5548.4.M523D63 1995 OUT
Serial Stinson, Fredrick S. U.S. alcohol epidemiologic data reference manual. Gov.HE20.8308/3:997/V.1 IN
Book Stirling, Mathew Williams, 1896- The Native peoples of New Guinea. Pac.GN671.N5S8 IN
Book Stiver, Harry E., joint author. Directing for the theatre. PN2053.S1 1974 IN
Book Stivers, William, author. The city becomes a symbol : the U.S. Army in the occupation of Berlin, 1945-1949. Gov.D114.19:B45/2017 IN
Book Stix, Gary. Who gives a gigabyte? : a survival guide for the technologically perplexed. T173.8.S75 1999 IN
 2 Stix, Hugh.
Book Stix, Marguerite. The shell : 500 million years of inspired design. QL404.S7 1978 IN
Book Stix, Marguerite, joint author. The shell : five hundred million years of inspired design. Pac.QL404.S7 IN
Book Stobart, Tom. The cook's encyclopedia : ingredients and processes. Ref.TX349.S74 1981 IN
Book Stock, Catherine, ill. Justin and the best biscuits in the world. CRC Juv.W34 1993 IN
 2 Stock Footage used in History Channel "Great Ships" series, USA, 1999.
Book Stockard, James W. Activities for elementary school science. CRC LB1585.S77 1998 IN
Book Stocker, Linda. Gilabwala and his sister : a Trobriand legend told by Chief Nalubutau. Pac.DU885.G55 2002 IN
Book Stocker, Thomas, editor. Climate change 2013 : the physical science basis : Working Group I contribution to the Fifth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. QC981.8.C5C511345 2014 IN
Book Stockert, Nancy A. Health care for the international student : Asia and the Pacific. Pac.LB3497.H43 1986 IN
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