View previous page View next page Author Search:  United States. National Park Service. Southeast Regional Office. Cultural Resources Division,
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book University of Delaware. Center for the Study of Marine Policy. Integrated coastal and ocean management : concepts and practices. Pac.HT391.C483 1998 IN
Book University of Delaware. College of Marine Studies. Integrated coastal and ocean management : concepts and practices. Pac.HT391.C483 1998 IN
Book University of Delaware. Sea Grant College Program. Economic impacts of extended fisheries jurisdiction : proceedings of a symposium. Pac.SH323.E34 1977 IN
Book University of East Anglia. School of Environmental Sciences. Tiempo : global warming and the third world. Pac.QC981.8.G56T54 IN
Book University of Florida. Agricultural Experiment Station. Insect pests of the avocado and their control. Pac.S49.E2 no. 605A IN
Book University of Georgia. Adult Micronesian perceptions of college classroom environments. Pac.LA2203.7.B37 2009 IN
 28 University of Guam.
Book University of Guam 1982 Personnel rules and regulations : faculty/administrators. Pac.JQ6160.G93U1 1982 IN
Book University of Guam Academic Affairs Committee. Memorandum of agreement between University of Guam and the Community College of Miconesia: Third year program agreement. Pac.LG961.M53M51 IN
Book University of Guam. Bachelor of Social Work Program. Views out of Micronesia on social welfare services and social work education : a report based on eighty interviews in six Micronesian states. Pac.HV515.7.M37 IN
 2 University of Guam, BEAM Center.
 2 University of Guam. Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service
 3 University of Guam. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
 3 University of Guam. College of Business & Public Administration.
 4 University of Guam. College of Education.
 4 University of Guam. Cooperative Extension Service.
Book University of Guam. Cooperative Extension Services. Becoming a big kid : substance use and fighting in Guam's Middle Schools: 1998 study of Middle School students on Guam. Pac.HV4999.Y68P5 1999 IN
Book University of Guam. Coordinating Commission. Inina, fina'na gue yan setbisio : the mission of the University of Guam : report. Pac.LG961.G8A371 1979 IN
Book University of Guam. Division of Biosciences and Marine Studies. Biological results of an expedition to Rota, Mariana Islands. Pac.QH95.55.M3B4 IN
Serial University of Guam. Division of English and Applied Linguistics. Storyboard : a journal of Pacific imagery. Pac.Per.PN849.O262S76 1994 n.3 IN
 3 University of Guam. Gallery of Art.
 2 University of Guam Isla Center for the Arts.
University of Guam MARC See: University of Guam Micronesian Area Research Center.
 21 University of Guam. Marine Laboratory.
Book University of Guam. Micronesia Area Research Center. Island voyagers in new quests : an assessment of degree completion among Micronesian college students. Pac.LA2270.M5I8 IN
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