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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Volunteers in Techincal Assistance. Village technology handbook. TH148.V64 1988 IN
Video Von Brandenstein, Patrizia Amadeus. MITC VC 660 IN
Book Von Braun, Wernher, 1912-1977. Space travel : a history. TL851.V6 1985 IN
Book von Campen, W. G. Japanese fishery documents. Pac.SH351.T8U581 1949 no.34-43 IN
Book von Fleckenstein, F.W. Agricultural extension in the village : two evaluation projects in the New Guinea Highlands. Pac.S479.P3A17 1975 no.9 IN
 2 Von Hoffman, Nicholas.
Book Von Laue, Theodore H. Western civilization : ideas, politics & society. CB245.W4834 1989 IN
Book Von Maier, Robert. Deep diving : an advanced guide to physiology, procedures and systems. GV840.S78G48 1992 IN
Book von Müller, Wilhelm. Yap. Pac.DU568.Y3M87 1963 IN
Book Von Reis, Siri, 1931- Ethnobotany : evolution of a discipline. GN476.73.E84 1995 IN
Book Von Tempski, Armine, 1892-1943. Lava : a saga of Hawaii. Pac.PZ3.V8947 1930 IN
Book Von Ziegesar, Cecily. Would I lie to you : a gossip girl novel. PZ7.V89 2006 OUT
Book Von?che, J. Jacques. The essential Piaget. Ref.BF723.C5P57 1995 IN
 2 Vonnegut, Kurt.
Book VonStorch, William R. Computer crime : a crime fighter's handbook. HV6773.I36 1995 IN
Book Vooice of America (Organization) VOA, Voice of America : the largest U.S international broadcaster. Gov. B 1.2:AM 3/2 IN
Book Vorderman, Carol. Help your kids with computer coding : a unique step-by-step visual guide, from binary code to building games. QA76.6.V68 2014 IN
Book Vorderman, Carol, author. Help your kids with music : a unique step-by-step visual guide. MT7.V93 2019 IN
Book Vorderman, Carol, |e author. Help your kids with study skills : a unique step-by-step visual guide. CRC LB1049.V67 2016 IN
Book Vorderwinkler, William. Encyclopedia of tropical fishes : with special emphasis on techniques of breeding. Pac.QL78.A86 1976 IN
Book Vos, Howard Frederic, 1925- The new Unger's Bible dictionary. Ref.BS440.U5 1988 IN
 2 Voskamp, Ann Marie
Serial Voss, Nancy A. Systematics and biogeography of cephalopods. Gov. SI 1.27:586 IN
Serial Vossekuil, Bryan. The fineal report and findings of the safe school initiative : implications for the prevention of school attacks in the United States. Gov.T34.8:SCH6/2 IN
Book Votaw, Gregory, co-author. Environment and development : a Pacific Island perspective. Pac.HC681.3.E55 1992 IN
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