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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Fenton, Carroll Lane, 1900-1969. The fossil book : a record of prehistoric life. QE711.F36 1958 IN
Book Fenton, James, 1949- An introduction to English poetry. PR502.F46 2002 IN
Book Fenton, Mildred Adams, 1899- joint author. The fossil book : a record of prehistoric life. QE711.F36 1958 IN
Book Féral, François. Governance of marine protected areas in the least-developed countries : case studies from West Africa. FAO.SH1.F2 2011 no.548 IN
Book Féral, Fran…ois. Maritime societies, fisheries law and institutions in the western Mediterranean : a summary of collective rights and decentralized systems of professional discipline. FAO.SH1.F2 2004 no.420 IN
Book Ferber, Edna, 1887-1967. Five complete novels. PS3511.E46A6 1981 IN
Book Ferber, Elizabeth, 1967- Diabetes. RC660.5.F47 1996 OUT
Video Ferde Grofe Films, Inc. Jet fighter. MITC VC 311 IN
Book Ferdinant, Waltis Madolenihmw place names inventory. Pac.DU568.P7F47 2001 IN
Book Ferdon, Edwin N., 1913- Archaeology of Easter Island. Pac.GN875.E37A7 1961 IN
Book Ferdouse, Fatima. Improved utilisation and marketing of marine resources from the Pacific region : Beche-de-mer, sharkfins and other cured marine products purchased by Chinese and Asian traders: a report. Pac.HD9468.O32F43 1997 IN
Book Ferdun, Clarence R. (Clarence Raleigh), 909- Territorial course of study for prevocational agriculture. Pac.LC1041.H37 1946 no. 6 IN
Book Ferencik, Erica, author. The river at night. PB FER 2019 IN
Book Ferentinos, Lisa. Pacific islands farm manual. Pac.SB99.O3P33 1994 IN
Book Fergus, Jim. One thousand white women : the journals of May Dodd. PS3556.E66O54 1998 IN
Book Ferguson, Anita Perez. Women seen and heard : lessons learned form successful speakers. PN4192.W65P45 2004 OUT
Book Ferguson, Bobby. MARC/AACR2/authority control tagging : a blitz cataloging workbook. Z693.3.A88F47 2005 IN
Book Ferguson, Dianne L. Designing personalized learning for every student. LB1031.D445 2001 IN
Book Ferguson, Everett, 1933- Encyclopedia of early Christianity. Ref.BR162.2.E53 1990 IN
Book Ferguson, Gary 1956- America's parks. TR729.W54B69 2006 IN
Book Ferguson, Kathy E. Gender and globalization in Asia and the Pacific : method, practice, theory. Pac.HQ1240.5.A78G46 2008 IN
Book Ferguson, Lucy Rau, 1930- joint author. Identification and child rearing. BF723.I4S4 1965 IN
Book Ferguson, Margaret W., 1948- The Norton anthology of poetry. PR1174 .N6 1997 IN
Book Ferguson, Niall The ascent of money : a financial history of the world. HG171.F47 2008 IN
Book Ferguson, Peter, 1968- ill. The red ghost. CRC Juv.B32 2008 OUT
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