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  Author Title Call Number Status
 2 Monfort, Marie-Christine.
Book Mongillo, John F. Encyclopedia of environmental science. Ref.GE10.M66 2000 IN
Book Mongkeya, Mathias. Counselor training and counseling center enhancement project, Kosrae High School : final report /. Pac.LG961.M512K678 1993 IN
Book Monif, Gilles, R. G. Infectious diseases gynecology. R11.M66 1982 IN
Book Monk, Ellen F. Problem-solving cases in Microsoft Access and Excel. HF5548.M525B73 2012 IN
Book Monks, Lydia. Aaaarrgghh! spider!. CRC Pic.M74 2004 IN
Book Monroe, Hunter K. Narrowing the U.S. current account deficit : a sectorial assessment. HF3004.L46 1992 IN
Book Monroe, Joanne K. Supporting struggling readers and writers : strategies for classroom intervention, 3-6. LB1576.S83 2002 IN
Book Monroe, Jr., Burt L. A world checklist of birds. QL676.2.W67M56 1993 IN
 2 Monroe, Judy.
Book Monroe, Lucy. Moon craving : a children of the moon novel. PB MON 2010 OUT
Book Monroe, Lucy, 1967- The spy who wants me. PS3557.M75 2009 OUT
Book Monroe, Robert A. Far journeys. BF1283.M582A29 1985 IN
Book Montagu, Jean-Yves. Great Britain. DA650.M67 1995 IN
Book Montague, Brendan E. Micronesia and the Marshall Islands : a review of their use of compact funds. Pac.HJ2210.55.M53 2014 IN
Book Montague-Smith, Ann. Supporting science and technology : a handbook for those who assist in early years settings. LB1585.M65 1998 IN
Book Montalban, H.R. Scheme of oyster farming in the Philippines. Pac.SH371.B53 IN
Book Montaldo, Graciela R. The Argentina reader : history, culture, and society. F2810.A646 2002 IN
Book Montanari, Donata Children around the world. CRC GT85.M6 2001 IN
 2 Montand, Yves, 1921-
Book Montaville, Bernard. Vanuatu/WHO/SPC non-communicable disease survey, 1985 : report. Pac.Per.DU1.S588no. 192 IN
Book Monteduro, Fabio. Conceptualizing and researching governance in public and non-profit organizations. HD62.6.C66 2013 IN
Book Montefiore, Lucinda. Half the Earth : women's experiences of travel worldwide. G151.H356 1986 IN
Book Montegomery, Barbara M. Studying interpersonal interaction. HM131.S833 1991 IN
Book Monteith, Nigel Hugh. The comparative effects of calcium carbonate & of calcium silicate on the yield of Sudan grass grown in a ferruginous latosol & a hydrol humic latosol |c [by] N.H. Monteith and G. Donald Sherman. Pac.S399.E7 1963 no.53 IN
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