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  Author Title Call Number Status
Video Sicheng, Chen Judge Mama. MITC DVD 172 IN
Book Sicile-Kira, Chantal. Autism life skills : from communication and safety to self-esteem and more- 10 essential abilities every child needs and deserves to learn. RJ506.A9S53 2008 IN
Book Sickert, Oswald. The no plays of Japan,. PL887.W3 1994 IN
 4 Siddons, Anne Rivers.
Video Sideny, George The three musketeers. MITC VC 1104 IN
Book Sider, Ronald J. Rich Christians in an age of hunger : a Biblical study. BS670.S1 1977 IN
Book Sides, Charles H., 1952- How to write & present technical information. T11.S528 1999 IN
Book Sides, Hampton. Ghost soldiers : the forgotten epic story of World War II's most dramatic mission. D767.4.S54 2001 IN
Book Sidman, Joyce. Ubiquitous : celebrating nature's survivors. CRC PS3569.I295U35 2010 IN
Video Sidney, George 1916- Scaramouche. MITC DVD 101 IN
Mixed Sidney, Lucy MaHuman Resources Office files transferred October 31, 2023.
Book Sidney, Philip, Sir, 1554-1586. Defence of poesie, Astrophil and Stella and other writings. PR1207.S1 1997 IN
Video Siebert, Charles. The miracle worker. MITC VC 114 c.2 IN
Book Siebler, William. Mathematics in life, society, and the world. QA39.2.M3845 1997 IN
Book Siefken, Katja Elizabeth Preventing chronic diseases through physical activity in the Pacific Islands : A workplace health promotion programme in Vanuatu : a thesis submitted to Auckland University of Technology in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 2012.
Book Siegal, Aranka. Memories of Babi. DS135.S1 2008 IN
 2 Siegal, Mordecai.
Book Siegel, Alan M. The wall street journal guide to understanding money & investing : an easy to understand, easy to use primer that helps take the mystery out of money, indexes, treasure bills, stocks, commodities, options, bonds, tracking performances, risk/return, futures, mutual funds, inflation. HG4910.M67 1993 OUT
Book Siegel, Barry. The perfect witness. PB SIE 1999 IN
Book Siegel, Daniel J., 1957- The developing mind : how relationships and the brain interact to shape who we are. BF713.S525 2001 IN
Book Siegel, Erwin M. Achromatopsia in Pingelap Islanders : a study of a genetic isolate. Pac.RE921.B73 IN
Book Siegel, Jeff Processes of language contact : studies from Australia and the South Pacific. Pac.PI30.52.A8P76 2000 IN
Book Siegel, Joel G. Encyclopedic dictionary of accounting and finance. Ref.HF1001.S525 1989 IN
 2 Siegel, Larry J.
Book Siegfried, Tom. The bit and the pendulum : from quantum computing to M theory-- the new physics of information. QA76.S5159 2000 IN
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