View previous page View next page Author Search:  Irwin, William, 1970-
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Commission on Education and Communication. Education and sustainability : responding to the global challenge. GE70.E394 2000 IN
 2 International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Species Survival Commission.
 2 International Vitamin A Consultative Group
Book International Vitamin A Consultative Group Meeting (15th : 1993 : Arusha, Tanzania) Toward comprehensive programs to reduce vitamin A deficiency : XV International Vitamin A Consultative Group Meeting : Arusha, Tanzania, 8-12 March 1993. RA645.V56W47 1993 IN
Book International Vitamin A Consultative Group. Meeting (19th : 1999 : Durban, South Africa) Report of the XIX International Vitamin A Consultative Group Meeting [on] Vitamin A and other micronutrients : biologic interactions and integrated interventions, Durban, South Africa, 8-11 March 1999. QU167.I61 1999 IN
Book International Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Bureau (IWRB) A directory of wetlands in Oceania. Ref.QH87.3.O3S36 1993 IN
 11 International Waters Programme.
Book International Waters Programme (IWP). Summary of recommendations for pilot project activities and site selection: report to the Niue IWP national task committee. Pac.S944.5.C57S6 2005 IN
 3 International Waters Project (IWP).
Video International waters project of the Pacific Islands Rubbish is a resource. MITC DVD 250 IN
Book International Whaling Commission. Marine mammals : global plan of action. Pac.QL713.2.U48 1985 IN
Book International Women's Year (1977 : Saipan) International Women's Year : Northern Marianas Women's Conference, August 6-7, 1977, Saipan Beach. Pac.HQ1866.N6 IN
 3 International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs.
Book International Workshop on Capacity Building in Irrigation, Drainage and Flood Control (2003 : Montpellier, France) Capacity development in irrigation and drainage : issues, challenges and the way ahead : proceedings of the International Workshop held on 16 September 2003 during the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage Fifty-fourth International Executive Council Meeting, Montpellier, France. FAO.S612.2.I58 2003 IN
Book International Workshop on Crisis of Development and Social Movements (1993: September 22-24 Izu, Yokohama, Japan). Radio happy isles : The play of media in the small island states of the Pacific. Pac.PN1991.3.I75S49 1994 IN
Serial International Workshop on Systematics and Biogeography of Cephalopods Systematics and biogeography of cephalopods. Gov. SI 1.27:586 IN
Book International Year of Rice (Program) Rice is life : International Year of Rice 2004 and its implementation. SB191.R5R53 2005 IN
Book Internet resources. The surge, 2007-2008. Gov.D114.2:IR 1/3/SURGE IN
Book Intersociety Committee. Methods of air sampling and analysis. TD890.I53 1972 IN
Book Interterritorial Education Seminar on Teacher Training Programme (2nd: 1963: Apia,Western Samoa). Interterritorial education seminar on teacher training programme: report. Pac.LB1727.O3I8 1963 IN
 5 Intner, Sheila s.
Book Intoch, Michiko The brief archaeological survey in Kayangel and Angaur in the Palaus/. Pac.DU780.3.T14 1980 IN
 5 Intoh, Michiko
Book Intoh, Michiko Department of International Cultural Relations Hokkaido Tokai University. Archaeological research on Fais Island, Micronesia : Preliminary report.
Serial Intoh, Michiko Department of Social Research, National Museum of Ethnology, Japan. Ongoing archaeological research on Fais Island, Micronesia.
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