View previous page View next page Author Search:  Place, Irene Magdaline Glazik, 1912-
  Author Title Call Number Status
Video Prêvert, Jacques. Children of paradise. MITC VC 599 A IN
Book Previté-Orton, Charles William, 1877-1947. The shorter Cambridge medieval history. D117.P92 1971 IN
Book PREX 3.21:V 67 Estimative products on Vietnam, 1984-1975. Gov.PREX3.21:V67 IN
Book P†rez, Bertha, 1945- Learning in two worlds : an integrated Spanish/English biliteracy approach. LC3731.P465 2002 IN
Book Price, A. F. The Diamond sutra and the Sutra of Hui-Neng. BQ4022.D52 1990 IN
Book Price, A. Grenfell (Archibald Grenfell), Sir, 1892- The Western invasions of the Pacific and its continents : a study of moving frontiers and changing landscapes, 1513-1958. Pac.JV61.P68 IN
Book Price, Charmaine Marie. Report on the selectivity of monofilament gillnets on the reef fish in Yap. Pac.SH344.6.G5P75 1988a IN
Book Price, David A. (David Andrew), 1961- Love and hate in Jamestown : John Smith, Pocahontas, and the heart of a new nation. F234.J3P68 2003 IN
Book Price, Gary, 1965- The Invisible Web : uncovering information sources search engines can't see. ZA4450.S54 2001 IN
Book Price-Groff, Claire. The manatee. QL737.S6P75 1999 IN
 2 Price, Harry, 1940-
Book Price, Jack Merrill pre-algebra : applications and connections. CRC QA152.2.P75te 1995 Gr.6-8 IN
Book Price, James M. A climatology of potential density in the central North Pacific, 20N-50N, 170E-150W. Pac.QC851.H35 no.78-4 IN
 2 Price, Joann F.
Book Price, Kay M. Daily planning for today's classroom : a guide to writing lesson and activity plans. LB1027.4.P73 2003 IN
Book Price, Kirstan. Core concepts in health. RA776.C83 2004 IN
Book Price, Mathew. Can I play outside?. CRC PZ7.P93 2009 IN
Serial Price, Melissa R. Scaling up restoration efforts in the Pacific Islands: a call for clear management objectives, targeted research to minimize uncertainty, and innovative solutions to a wicked problem.
Book Price, Peter W. (Peter Wilfried), 1938- , author. Insect Ecology : Behavior, Populations and Communities. QL496.4.P76 2011 IN
Book Price, Roger, 1944 Jan. 7- A concise history of France. DC38.P75 2001 IN
Book Price, Russeell A manual for the tagging database system of the Regional Tuna Tagging Project. Pac.SH319.A2B15 1993 IN
Book Price, Samuel T. and Richard D. Shewman. An independent survey of the College of Micronesia. Pac.LB2328.M5P6 IN
 5 Price, Samuel T. (Samuel Thomas), 1946-
Book Price Stern Sloan. Diary of a wimpy kid mad libs. CRC PZ7.K623 2015 OUT
Book Price, T. Samuel. Archaeological survey of Ulithi Atoll, Western Caroline Islands. Pac.DU568.U5C68 IN
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