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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Achenbach, Thomas M., 1940- Multicultural understanding of child and adolescent psychopathology : implications for mental health assessment. RJ499.M85A4 2007 IN
Book Acheson, David W. K. Safe eating : protect yourself against E. coli, salmonella, and other deadly food-borne pathogens. RC622.A23S23 1998 IN
Book Acheson, Keith A., 1925- Techniques in the clinical supervision of teachers : preservice and inservice applications. LB1025.2.A216 1980 IN
Serial Achica, Donna. Samoan success: On the journey to building highly qualified teachers.
Video Achnas, Nan T. Not the numbers game. MITC VC 983 IN
Book ACIAR/Harves Plus An exploratory study of Solomon islands banana and sweet potato varieties including beliefs, practices and potential for promotion: a collaborative project with communities in Makira islands October 1-16, 2007/. Pac.SB379.B2E97 2007 IN
Book ACIAR Project 9306--Nutrient Composition of Some Pacific Island Food Crops and Wild Foods. Pacific island foods : description and nutrient composition of 78 local foods. Pac.TX360.O3E54 1996 IN
Book Acker, Anton Radio Micronesia. Pac.PN1991.3.M5A5 1980 IN
Book Acker, David. Education for rural people : the role of education, training and capacity development in poverty reduction and food security. FAO.LC5146.A25 2009 IN
 2 Acker, Kerry.
Book Acker, Louis S., joint author. The astrologer's handbook. Ref.BF1708.1.S24 2001 IN
Book Ackerknecht, Erwin Heinz, 1906- A short history of medicine. R131.A34 1982 IN
Video Ackerman, Elizabeth The popes and their arts. MITC VC 144 IN
Book Ackermann-Valladao, E. Possibility and necessity. BF723.P67P57 1987 IN
Book Ackley, Betty J., editor. Nursing diagnosis handbook : an evidence-based guide to planning care. Ref.RT48.6.A35 2017 IN
Book Ackroyd, Peter Kingdom of the dead. DT83.A5 2006 IN
Book Ackroyd, Peter, 1949- London : the biography. DA684.25.A28 2001 IN
Book ACME International Freezing Systems. Division of Fisher Enterprises Pty. Ltd. Kosrae State tuna processing and cold storage facility / ACME International Freezing Systems QT/90/E/283-3. Pac.HD9999.C68.x3F42 1990 IN
Book Acock, Alan C. A gentle introduction to stata. HA32.A36 2006 IN
Video Acorn Media Group Inc. Stephen Hawking and the theory of everything. MITC DVD 393 IN
Book Acosta, Belen O. Environmental impact of the golden snail (Pomacea sp.) on rice farming systems in the Philippines : summary report of the workshop held at the Freshwater Aquaculture Center, Central Luzon State University, Nueva Ecija, Philippines, 9-10 November 1989. Pac.SB191.R5E59 1991 IN
Book Acosta, Oscar Zeta. The revolt of the cockroach people. CT275.A186A3 1989b IN
Book Acosta, Pedro A. Improved techniques in Bangos Chanos Chanos (Forskal) culture 1. Pac.SH167.M5A26 1969 IN
Book Acpuito, Julio Educational plan for Truk District. Pac.LA2270.T7A1 1973 IN
Book Acquatic Farms, Ltd. General feasibility analysis prawn acquaculture on Guam. Pac.SH380.G8A6 IN
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