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  Author Title Call Number Status
 2 Burns, James MacGregor.
Book Burns, Jason M. Archaeological survey of Tanapag Lagoon Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Pac.DU648.S353B87 2008 IN
Book Burns, John A. Illustrations for training community health workers : community learning materials. CRC RA427.9.B93 1983 IN
Book Burns, John T. Cosmic influences on humans, animals, and plants : an annotated select bibliography. Ref.Z5322.E95B87 1997 IN
Book Burns, Julie. Opportunities in computer systems careers (software). QA76.25.B87 1996 IN
Mixed Burns, Karen R. [] Amelia Earhart's bones and shoes? : current anthropological perspectives on an historical mystery. VerF 0815.01 Pac IN
Book Burns, Ken, 1953- Baseball : an illustrated history. Ref.GV863.A1W37 2010 IN
 4 Burns, Marilyn.
 6 Burns, Marilyn, 1941-
Book Burns, Paul Clay, 1923- Teaching reading in today's elementary schools. LB1573.B93 1984 OUT
Book Burns, Ralph A. Fundamentals of chemistry. QD33.B889 1992 IN
Video Burns, Stephen. Untold stories of World War II. MITC DVD 11 IN
Book Burns, Therese. Management of persistent organic pollutants in Pacific island countries : waste and obsolete chemicals and chemical contaminated sites. Pac. TD196.O73 B87 2000 IN
Book Burnside, Carla D. Malheur's legacy : celebrating a century of conservation 1908-2008, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Southeast Oregon. Gov.I49.2:M29/3 IN
 2 Burrell, Ajani, editor.
Book Burrello, Leonard C., 1942- Policy and management in special education. LC4031.S24 1986 IN
 3 Burridge, Kenelm.
Book Burridge, Kenelm Oswald Lancelot. Tangu traditions: a study of the way the life, mythology, and developing experience of a New Guinea people. Pac.DU740.B84 IN
Book Burris-Meyer, Harold, 1902- Theatres and auditoriums. NA6821.B8 1964 IN
 2 Burroughs, Arlene.
Book Burroughs, Augusten. Running with scissors : a memoir. PS3552.U745Z477 2002 IN
Book Burroughs-Denhart, Nancy F. Speaking in English scares me : a cross-cultural comparison of native and non-native language use on communication orientation in Micronesia. Pac.P128.L35B94 IN
Book Burroughs, Edgar Rice. Tarzan of the apes. PZ7.W8636 Tar 1982 IN
 2 Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 1875-1950.
Mixed Burroughs, Nancy F. Communication orientations of Micronesian and American students. VerF 0811.? Pac IN
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