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  Author Title Call Number Status
Serial United States. Navy Department. Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. Marshall Islands statistical supplement. May 20, 1944. Pac.DU710.U5 1944 IN
 4 United States. Navy Dept.
Book United States. Navy Dept. Library. Guide to United States naval administrative histories of World War II. Pac.VB23.U55 1976 IN
Mixed United States. Navy. Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas. Military intelligence in the Pacific, 1942-1946 : Bulletins of the Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Area, Joint Intelligence Center, and the Commander-In-Chief, Pacifc and Pacific Ocean Area. Pac.D773.U52M62 1984 IN
Book United States Navy Pacific Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Design criteria for water supply : sewerage and electrical systems in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, 30 August 1978. Pac.TD365.U56 IN
Mixed United States. Navy. Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas. Military intelligence in the Pacific, 1942-1946 : Bulletins of the Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Area, Joint Intelligence Center, and the Commander-In-Chief, Pacifc and Pacific Ocean Area. Pac.D773.U52M62 1984 IN
Book United States. Navy. Pacific Fleet. General Inspector. Report of inspection of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands by the General Inspector, U.S. Pacific fleet, 4 January - 2 February, 1949. Pac.DU500.U65 1949 IN
Book United States. Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group. Researching Japanese war crimes records : introductory essays. Gov.AE1.102:W19/2 IN
 2 United States. NOAA Coastal Ocean Program Office.
Book United States. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Medical Use Program. Radiation in medicine : a need for regulatory reform. R895.R33 1996 IN
Book United States. Ocean Assessments Division. Alaska Office. The Gulf of Alaska : physical environment and biological resources. QH95.35.G85 1987 IN
Book United States of America. Peace Corps volunteer in Micronesia. Pac.HC60.5.P33U1 1973 IN
Book United States of America. Department of the Air Force. Environmental statement : draft. Pac.DU710.9.E5U5 1973 IN
Book United States of America. Department of the Interior. Office of Inspector General. Management of real property government of the Virgin Islands. Pac.KDZ44.6.U55 2007 IN
Book United States of America. Navy Department. Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. Report of surrenders and occupation of Japan. Pac.D807.U6U55 1946 IN
 13 United States. Office for Micronesian Status Negotiations.
 4 United States. Office of Asian Pacific American Concerns.
Book United States. Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs. Bilingual education in the United States Pacific Islands : prepared for Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs, United States Department of Education. Pac.LC3740.O24F74 1984a IN
Serial United States Office of Business Economics. Survey of current business. Gov.C59.11:92/11 IN
Book United States. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. A healthier you : based on the Dietary guidelines for Americans. Gov.HE20.2:H34/32/CORR. IN
Serial United States. Office of Economic Opportunity. Federal outlays in summary; a report of the Federal Government's impact by State, county, and large city, Fiscal year 1965. Pac.HC110.P3U58 IN
Book United States. Office of Economic Opportunity. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Audited financial statements of grants made to Truk organization for community action. Pac.HN 940.T7A8 1974 IN
Serial United States. Office of Educational Researach and Improvement. Resources in education. Gov. ED 1.310: IN
Serial United States. Office of Educational Research and Imporvement. Family involvement in children's education : successful local approaches : an idea book. Gov.ED1.302:F21/3/2001 IN
 15 United States. Office of Educational Research and Improvement.
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