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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Blensly, Douglas L. Accounting desk book : the accountant's everyday instant answer book. HF5635.P69 1989 IN
Book Bleoom, Deborah. Recipe for spelling : a comprehensive spelling program with more than 450 learning activities to sharpen, spelling, language, and thinking skills. CRC LB1574.B565 1984 IN
Book Blevins, Gregory A. Substance abuse counseling. RC564.L49 2011 IN
Mixed Blevins, John. Broadening the family of God : debating same-sex marriage and queer families in America. VF 286 BLE 2005 IN
 2 Blevins, Juliette.
 2 Blevins, Wiley
Book Blevins, Wiley, author. Phonics from A to Z : a practical guide. CRC Ref.LB1573.3.B553 2017 IN
 2 Bligh, William, 1754-1817.
Book Blight, David W. Great Lincoln documents : historians present treasures from the Gilder Lehrman Collection. Gov.E457.92 2009c IN
 2 Blight, James G.
Book Blikstein, Paulo Meaningful Making : projects and inspirations for fab labs and makerspaces. TS171.57.M43 2016 IN
Book Blimling, Gregory S. Good practice in student affairs : principles to foster student learning. LB2342.9.G66 1999 IN
Book Bliss, Bill. Side by side : English through guided conversations; 2A. PE1131.M58 1983 IN
 2 Bliss, Donald T.
Book Bliss, Harry, 1964- Bailey at the museum. CRC PZ7.B57 2012 IN
Mixed Bliss Jr., Donald T. The Law of real property of the outer islands of the Ponape District. VerF.0227 Pac. IN
Book Bliss, Pam, editor. GED : complete self-study guide for the GED tests. Ref.LB3060.33.G464S495 2005 IN
Book Bliss, Theodora Crosby. Micronesia fifty years in the island world : a history of the mission of the American Board. Pac.BV3677.B62 IN
 4 Blitz, Linda.
Book Blitzer, Charles. Age of kings. D246.B61 1967 IN
Book Bloch, Alex, ill. Let's celebrate our Jewish holidays!. CRC BM690.K635 1997 IN
Book Bloch, Ruth H., 1949- Visionary republic : millennial themes in American thought 1756-1800. E209.B58 1985 IN
Book Block, Bruce A. The visual story : creating the visual structure of film, TV and digital media. TR850.B62 2008 IN
Book Block, Cathy Collins. Comprehension instruction : research-based best practices. LB1050.45.C69 2002 IN
Book Block, Eric. Garlic and other alliums : the lore and the science. QK495.A43B56 2010 IN
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