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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Cobb, Boughton. A field guide to the ferns and their related families of northeastern and central North America : with a section on species also found in the British Isles and western Europe. Ref.QK525.C75 IN
Book Cobb, James. The arctic event : a covert-one novel. PB COB 2007 IN
Book Cobb, Linda. The queen of clean : the royal guide to spot and stain removal. TT985.C62 2001 IN
Book Cobb, Mary Curtis. Noxious marine animals of the central and western Pacific Ocean. Pac.QL713.2.F2 IN
Book Cobb, Vicki. Why doesn't the earth fall up? : and other not such dumb questions about motion. CRC QC127.4.C63 1988 IN
Book Cobban, Alfred. A history of modern France. DC110.C57 1965 IN
 2 Cobban, Helena.
Book Cobbing, Andrew Kyushu: gateway to Japan : a concise history. DS894.95.C63 2009 IN
 4 Cobblestone Films.
Book Cobbs Hoffman, Elizabeth. All you need is love : the Peace Corps and the spirit of the 1960s. HC60.5.C626 1998 IN
 2 Coben, Harlan.
 4 Coben, Harlan, 1962-
Book Coberly, Richard. Hurricane Iwa hits Hawaii. Pac.QC944H8 IN
Book Cobin, Joan T. Report of nursing consultant visit to Micronesia. Pac.LB2806.15.C63 1989 IN
Book Cobleigh, Carolynn, ill. Edgar Allan Poe. CRC PS2605.B34 1995 IN
Book Coblin, W. South. A handbook of 'Phags-pa Chinese. Ref.PL402.C63 2007 IN
Video Coburn, Arhtur. The mask. MITC VC 285 IN
Video Coburn, James. The mists of Avalon. MITC VC 179 IN
 4 Coburn, Jewell Reinhart.
Book Coburn, Keith F. Report on albacore trolling exploration across the Northern Pacific, 1975 : condensed from report of Keith F. Coburn ; Epilogue to report on albacore trolling exploration across the Northern Pacific, 1975. Pac.SH351.A42L37 1976 IN
Book Coche, A. G. Glossary of aquaculture. FAO.SH20.3.C74 2008 IN
Book Cochran, Moncrieff. Early childhood education : an international encyclopedia. Ref.LB1139.23.E7 2007 IN
Book Cochran, Norman A. A teacher's guide to elementary school physical education. CRC GV443.C63 1971 IN
Mixed Cochrane, Glynn Use of the concept of the "corporation" : a choice between colloquialism or distortion. VerF.1160 Pac. IN
Book Cochrane, Jennifer. Trees of the tropics. QK474.5.C63 1991 IN
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