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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Dasgupta, Amitava, 1958- The science of drinking : how alcohol affects your body and mind. QP801.A3D37 2011 OUT
Book Dasgupta, Romit. Configurations of family in contemporary Japan. HQ682.C66 2015 IN
Book Dasgupta, Subash. Good agricultural governance : a resource guide focused on smallholder crop production. FAO.HD1476.A78D37 2011 IN
Video Dash, Julie. The Rosa Parks story. MITC VC 1268 IN
Book Dash, Paul. Social and critical practice in art education. N185.S63 2005 IN
Video Dasha Ross. In the nuclear shadow what the children can tell us. MITC VC 13 IN
 2 DaSilva, Edgar J.
 2 DaSilva, Edgar J. [et al.]
Book Dasmann, Raymond F. Micronesia : island wilderness. Pac.DU500.B76 IN
Book Dastrup, Boyd L. Modernizing the king of battle, 1973-1991. Gov.D114.2:B32/3 IN
Book Data Research Inc. Students with disabilities and special education. LC4031.S9 1995 IN
Serial Data Research, Inc. (Rosemount, Minn.) Handicapped students and special education. KF4210.H36 1986 IN
Computer Data Users Conference (1997 : Washington, D.C.) National Center for Health Statistics 1997 joint meeting of the Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics and the Data Users Conference partnerships, technologies, & communities : evolving roles for health data. Gov.HE20.6231:P96/CD OUT
Book Datlow, Ellen. The Year's best fantasy and horror. PN6120.95.F25Y3 2006 OUT
Book Dato-on, Mary Conway. Introduction to nonprofit management : text and cases. HD62.6.I58 2013 OUT
Book Dator, James Allen. A study of preferred futures for telecommunications in six Pacific island societies : final report of a project for GTE Corporation and Hawaiian Telephone Company. Pac.TK5102.3.O3D38 1986 IN
Book Datta, Manjula Bilinguality and literacy : principles and practice. LC3715.B56 2000 IN
Book Dattel, Eugene R. The sun that never rose : the inside story of Japan's failed attempt at global financial dominance. HG4538.D28 1994 IN
Book Daubenton, William. Letter of Fr. John Anthony Cantova of the Society of Jesus to Rev. Fr. William Daubenton of the same Society, Confessor of his Catholic Majesty, Agana, 1722. Pac.DU563.C35 1722a IN
Book d'Aubert, Ana Maria. Implications of climate change and sea level rise for Tokelau : report of a preparatory mission. Pac.QC981.8C5M354 1993 IN
Serial Daud, J.R.P. Consuming diversity : analysis of seasonal catch patterns in multispecies artisanal reef fisheries in North Sulawasi, Eastern Indonesia.
Serial Dauer, Victor Paul, 1909- Dynamic physical education for elementary school children. GV443.D95 1995 IN
Serial Daugherty, Leo J. Train wreckers and ghost killers : Allied Marines in the Korean War. Gov.D214.13:K84/10 IN
Book Daugherty, Richard F. Special education : a summary of legal requirements, terms, and trends. KF4209.3.D38 2001 IN
Book D'Aulaire, Edgar Parin, 1898- Ingri and Edgar Parin d'Aulaire's Book of Greek myths. PZ8.1.A86 1962 IN
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