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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Perec, Georges, 1936-1982. Life, a user's manual. PQ2676.E67L62 1987 IN
Book Peregoy, Suzanne F. Reading, writing & learning in ESL : a resource book for K-12 teachers. PE1128.A2P393 2000 IN
Book Peregrine, Peter N. (Peter Neal), 1963- Encyclopedia of prehistory. Pac.GN710.E53 2001 v.3 IN
Book Pereira, Natalia. Urban youth in the Pacific : increasing resilience and reducing risk for involvement in crime and violence. Pac.HQ799.O3N63 2011 IN
 2 Pereira, Pandora Fulimalo.
Book Pereiro, A. Cabeza La isla de Ponape : geografia, etnografia, historia. Pac.DU568.P7P4 IN
Book Perelman, Chaim The new rhetoric : a treatise on argumentation. BC177.P4213 1969 IN
Book Peren, Dan E. Fifteen-year forecasts of expenditure requirements. Pac.HJ7970.6.I7 1979 IN
Book Peretti, Frank E. This present darkness and Piercing the darkness : two bestselling novels complete in one volume. PS3566.E691317T4 1997 IN
Book Peretz, Don, 1922- The Arab-Israel dispute. Ref.HN28.P47 1996 IN
Book Perez Escolano, Victor, 1945- Sevilla. DP402.S4M37 1989 IN
Book Perez, Frank, ill. Tungo Suma U Talaya: learn how to weave a throw net. Pac.HD2346.T14C26 IN
 5 Perez, Georgia.
Book Perez, Illuminada I bella antes na tiempo giya Guam. Pac.PL5295.P41 1977 IN
 3 Perez, Illuminada S.
Book Perez, Illuminada Sablan I hinanao bakasion para Washington, D.C. Pac.PL5295.G93 1978 IN
Book Perez, Karri Trahin. Pohnpeians at work : from monocultural competence to bicultural fluency (Guam) [Microform]. Pac.HF5549.P41 2003 IN
 3 Perez, Michael P.
Video Perez, Michel Le louvre. MITC VC 159 IN
Book Perez, Monica. Margret & H.A. Rey's Curious George plants a tree. CRC PZ7.P42 2009 OUT
Book Perez Napoles, Elvia. From the winds of Manguito : Cuban folktales in English and Spanish = Desde los vientos de Manguito : cuentos folkloricos de Cuba, en ingles y espanÌõl. GR121.C8P41 2004 IN
Book Perez, Vicente-Roman Leon. A comparative study of the Trust Territory students' perceptions of factors affecting satisfaction of college life at selected institutions of higher learning. Pac.LB2376.6M65P47 1980 IN
Book Perfetti, Charles A. Learning to read : basic research and its implications. LB1050.6.L43 1991 IN
Book PerformTechInc., Community Emergency Response Team. Gov.HS5.125:C 73/V.1 IN
Serial Pergamon Institute of English (Oxford) System.
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