View previous page View next page Author Search:  Coyne, Terry
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Couper, A. D. Sailors and traders : a maritime history of the Pacific peoples. Pac.GN662.C68 2009 IN
Book Couper, Heather. DK space encyclopedia. Ref.QB14.C68 1999 IN
Video Coupez, Fabien Monsieur Ibrahaim. MITC DVD 135 IN
Book Coupland, Nikolas, 1950- The discourse reader. P302.D564 1999 IN
Book Courage Books (Firm) New York City : a photographic celebration. F128.37.N52 1998 IN
Computer Coural, Natalie. Le Louvre the palace & its paintings. CD ROM 0209 1995 IN
Book Courant, Richard, 1888-1972. What is mathematics? : an elementary approach to ideas and methods. QA37.2.C69 1996 OUT
Book Courard-Hauri, David. Environmental science : foundations and applications. GE105.F85 2012 IN
Book Courguechon, Charlene. Charlene Gourguechon's journey to the end of the world : a three-year adventure in the New Hebrides. Pac.GN671.N6G6813 IN
Book Courlander, Harold. The tiger's whisker, and other tales from Asia and the Pacific. Pac.PZ8.1.C8Ti 1995 IN
Book Courlander, Harold, 1908- The cow-tail switch and other West African stories. CRC PZ8.1.C8 1993 IN
Book Courses by Newspaper (Project) Working, changes and choices : a Courses by Newspaper reader. HD4904.W657 1981 IN
Serial Court of Land Tenure, State of Pohnpei Pohnpei land gazette. Pac.Per.HD1129.P7P75 1972-74 IN
Book Courtenay, Bryce. The power of one. PB COU 1992 IN
Video Courter, Gay The voyage of Tanai. MITC VC 118 IN
Book Courtney-Clarke, Margaret, 1949- ill. My painted house, my friendly chicken, and me. CRC DT2913.N44 A54 2003 IN
Serial Courtney, Gregory W. Biosystematics of the Nymphomyiidae (Insecta: Diptera) : life history, morphology and phylogenetic relationships. Gov. SI 1.27:550 IN
Mixed Courtney, Loyola MaHuman Resources Office files transferred October 31, 2023.
Book Courtney, Nancy. Technology for the rest of us : a primer on computer technologies for the low-tech librarian. Z678.9.T415 2005 IN
Book Courtois, Brigitte. Upland rice. SB191.R5U65 1987 IN
Book Courts, Patrick L. Assessment in higher education : politics, pedagogy, and portfolios. LB2336.2.C68 1993 IN
Book Cousin, Edward J. Investment strategy and the money connection : tracking monetary and business cycles--and making them work for you. HG6046.C673 1990 IN
Book Cousins, A. D., 1950- The Shakespeare encyclopedia : the complete guide to the man and his works. Ref.PR2892.C83 2009 IN
Book Cousins, Don. Mastering church management. BV652.C68 1990 IN
Book Cousins, Emily, 1969- Teaching spirits : understanding Native American religious traditions. E98.R3B753 2001 IN
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