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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Alten, Steve, author. Meg : nightstalkers. PB ALT 2016 OUT
Book Altenberg, Evelyn P. English grammar : understanding the basics. PE1112.A48 2010 IN
Book Alter, Adam L., 1980- [author] Irresistible : the rise of addictive technology and the business of keeping us hooked. HM851.A437 2017 IN
Book Alter, Dinsmore, 1888-1968. Pictorial astronomy. QB44.2.A42 1983 IN
Book Alter, Judy, 1938- Andrew Johnson : a book. E667.A7 2002 IN
Book Alter, Stephen. All the way to heaven : an American boyhood in the Himalayas. DS486.L34A45 1998 IN
Serial Altiery, Mason Special report: Japanese investment in the islands.
Book Altman, Ann M. Early visitors to Easter Island, 1864-1877 : the reports of Eugène Eyraud, Hippolyte Roussel, Pierre Loti, and Alphonse Pinart. Pac.F3169.E7 2004 IN
Book Altman, Ellen. Assessing service quality : satisfying the expectations of library customers. Z711.H45 2010 IN
Book Altmann, Anna E. The seven Swabians, and other German folktales. GR166.A7 2006 IN
Book Altoveros, N.C. Collection, conservation and utilization of indigenous vegetables : Proceedings of a workshop AVRDC, Shanhua, Tainan, Taiwan, 16-18 August 1999. Pac.SB320.A785V33 2000 IN
Book Altunakar, Bilge. Freezing of fruits and vegetables : an agribusiness alternative for rural and semi-rural areas. FAO.TP372.3.B37 2005 IN
Book Alufurai, Alfred, joint author. Pacific rituals : living or dying. Pac.DU28.P32 1986 IN
Book Alur, Mithu, 1943- Education and children with special needs : from segregation to inclusion. LC4037.I4E38 2002 IN
Book Alvarado, Christine. Poultry meat processing. TS1968.P675 2010 IN
Book Alvarez, Art, ill. Disney babies snuggle songs. CRC Pic.S68 1995 IN
Serial Alvarez, Belinda A revision of Axinellidae (Porifera: Demospongiae) of the Central West Atlantic region. Gov. SI 1.27:598 IN
Book Alvarez, Julia. How the García girls lost their accents. PR3551.L845H66 1992 IN
 16 Alvermann, Donna
Book Alvermann, Donna E. Along came a fox. CRC LB1631.A7 1993 v.2 IN
Book Alverson, Dayton L., 1924- Exploitable marine ecosystems : their behaviour and management : the nature and dynamics of marine ecosystems : their productivity, bases for fisheries, and ecosystem management. QH541.5.S3L34 1996 IN
Book Alves, Dora. Anti-nuclear attitudes in New Zealand and Australia. Pac.UA870.A48 1985 IN
Book Alves, William, 1960- Music of the peoples of the world. ML3545.A48 2006 IN
Book 'Ama, 'Aka 'iti Tamarua. Akono'anga Maori = Cook islands culture. Pac.GN671.C6C66 2003 IN
 12 Amado, Blanca.
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