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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Schwarz, Marguerite M. ill. Team sports for girls and women. GV709.M49 1965 IN
Book Schwarz, Thomas The Sokehs Rebellion (1910/11) : History and Commemoration. Pac.DU568.S1S1 2016 IN
Book Schwarz, Urs, 1905- John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1917-1963. E842.S3716 1964 IN
Book Schwass, R. H. Aspects of agricultural development in the South Pacific. Pac.S631.A8E445 1981 IN
Book Schwebel, Sara L. The student teacher's handbook. LB2157.A3S9 2002 IN
Video Schweig, Eric The last of the Mohicans. MITC DVD 255 IN
Video Schweiger, Til King Arthur. MITC DVD 260 IN
Book Schweigler, Gebhard, 1943- joint ed. From occupation to cooperation : the United States and United Germany in a changing world order. E183.8.G3F78 1992 IN
Book Schweitzer New occurrences of fossil decapod crustaceans (Thalassinidea, Brachyura) from late Pleistocene deposits of Guam, United States Territory. VerF.1136 Pac. IN
Book Schweitzer, Carole Dorsch. A faceless enemy : the origins of modern terrorism. HV6431.S9 2002 IN
Book Schweitzer, Glenn E., 1930- A faceless enemy : the origins of modern terrorism. HV6431.S9 2002 IN
Book Schweizer, Heidi. Designing and teaching an on-line course : spinning your web classroom. LB1028.3.S377 1999 IN
 3 Schweninger, Ann.
Book Schweninger, Ann, ill. Mary had a little lamb. CRC Pic.S3 1992 IN
Book Schwimmer, Eric. The Maori people in the nineteen-sixties : a symposium. Pac.DU423.S28 1968a IN
Book Schwimmer, Eric, 1923- Cultural consequences of a volcanic eruption experienced by the Mount Lamington Orokaiva,. Pac.DU740.S38 IN
Book Schwitters, Karen. Algebra for college students. QA154.3.K36 2011 IN
Book Schwlm, Claudia Being bilingual is fun!. CRC P115.2.S9 1998 IN
 2 Scialabba, Nadia.
Mixed Sciammacco, Christina. 25 heart-smart moves to make right now. VF 267 LEA 2001 IN
Book Sciannameo, Franco. Giuseppe Mazzini's Philosophy of music : (1836) : envisioning a social opera. ML3800.M2513 2004 IN
Video Sciarlo The legend of 1900. MITC DVD 127 IN
Book Scicolone, Michele. La dolce vita : enjoy life's sweet pleasures with 170 recipes for biscotti, torte, crostate, gelati, and other Italian desserts. TX773.S334 2000 IN
Book Science and Engineering Research Council (Great Britain). The astronomical almanac for the year ... Gov.D 213.8: IN
Book Science and Impacts of Climate Change in the South Pacific Islands (1996: Apia, Western Samoa) The science and impact of climate change in the Pacific Islands, Apia, Western Samoa 29 April - 3 May 1996 : meeting report. Pac.QC981.8.C5 1998 IN
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