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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Leonard, Annie. The story of stuff : how our obsession with stuff is trashing the planet, our communities, and our health--and a vision for change. GN406.L46 2010 IN
Video Leonard, Brett. The lawnmower man. MITC VC 507 IN
Book Leonard, David C. Multimedia technology from A to Z. QA76.575.D55 1995 IN
Book Leonard, David P. Evidence law : a student’s guide to the law of evidence as applied to American trials. Ref.KF8935.P22 2004 IN
Book Leonard, Diana. Sex and generation : a study of courtship and weddings. GT2747.S9L55 1980 IN
 2 Leonard, Elmore.
 3 Leonard, Elmore, 1925-
Book Leonard, Gary G. Land tenure in Niue. Pac.HD1129.N58L35 1977 IN
Book Leonard, James R. Economic development plan for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : submitted to the High Commissioner. Pac.HC681.5.M5T76 1966 IN
 3 Leonard, Jonathan Norton, 1903-1975.
Book Leonard, Joseph W. Business decision making in China. HD30.23.H86 1997 IN
Book Leonard, Laurence B. Language acquisition across North America : cross-cultural and cross-linguistic perspectives. P118.L2538 1999 IN
 2 Leonard, Marcia.
Video Leonard, Robert Sean, 1969. In the gloaming. MITC VC 747 IN
Book Leonard S. Marcus ill. Alice's adventures in wonderland & other stories. CRC PZ7.C23 2010 OUT
Book Leonard, Warren H., 1900- joint author. Principles of field crop production. SB187.U6M3 1976 IN
Book Leonard, Woody. Excel 97 annoyances. HF5548.4.M523L46 1997 IN
 4 Leonardo, da Vinci, 1452-1519
Book Leondes, Cornelius T. Database and data communication network systems : techniques and applications. QA76.9.D3D26 2002 IN
Book Leone, Daniel A., ed. The spread of AIDS. RA644.A25S677 1997 IN
Video Leone, Sergio A fistful of dollars. MITC VC 1320 IN
Book Leong, Chan-Hoong. Intercultural relations in Asia : migration and work effectiveness. HM1211.I5737 2010 IN
Book Leong, Deborah. Tools of the mind : the Vygotskian approach to early childhood education. LB1139.23.L46 1996 OUT
Book Leong, Margaret Infection prevention and control guidelines : 2010. Pac.RA761.O5L55 2010 IN
Book Leoni, Edgar. Nostradamus and his prophecies. BF1815 .N8 A213 1982 IN
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