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 8 Trust Territory Department of Education.
 11 Trust Territory Department of Health Services.
 2 Trust Territory Economic Development Team.
Book Trust Territory Environmental protection Board. Environmental management curriculum at the Community College of Micronesia. Pac.TD171.5.M5E56 IN
Book Trust Territory Environmental Protection Board. Office of the High Commissioner. Water testing procedures for coliform bacteria. Pac.TD745.T78 1980 IN
Trust Territory Environmental Protection Board (Pacific Islands (Trust Territory)) See: Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Trust Territory Environmental Protection Board
Book Trust Territory Headquarters. Department. of Education. Library Services. Index to the Micronesian reporter : volumes IV through XXII covering the period from March, 1956 to the third quarter, 1974; combined with an index to the earlier Micronesian Monthly: volumes I through III covering the period from November, 1951 to March, 1956. Pac.DU500.M5 1974 Index IN
Book [Trust Territory Headquarters, Saipan, Mariana Islands]. "Micronesia tastes tourism". Pac.G155.M5A7 IN
Book Trust Territory Headquarters. Statistics Division. Office of Planning & Statistics. Training program in statistics : course outline (Intermediate level). Pac.QA276.12.T78 IN
 2 Trust Territory Low-Cost Housing Conference (1st: 1971 : Ponape, Micronesia (Federated States).
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Commission Office of the High Commissioner. Site investigation: Kusaie airport and harbor project. Pac.TL726.9.K8P34 IN
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Island Office of the High Commissioner. Feasibility study: Yap airport-harbor interrelationship, Yap District Western Caroline Islands : final report. Pac.TL726.9.M5R278 1971 v.3 IN
 12 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (4th : Saipan, Mariana Islands) Conference papers : Fourth lands and surveys conference, November 1970. Pac.HD1129.T7L3 1970 IN
Mixed Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Appellate Division of the High Court. Enosensio Elias, Masao Elias, and Esdakio Deres vs. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : criminal case no.170 (Ponape).
 2 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Board of Marine Inspectors
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Bureau of Public Works. House sewer connection program. Pac.TD425.P33H68 IN
Map Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Capital Improvement Program. Yap airport : Graves and other sites of potential historical interest. TTPI MAP 3COMN00051823H IN
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Community Development. Nutrition and economics for Micronesia : a compilation of resources. ARC. TTPI 12 IN
 4 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Department of Education.
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Department of Public Affairs. Commemoration of the signing of the Northern Mariana Islands Covenant. Pac.JQ6242.A13C73 1976 IN
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Department of Resources and Development. The potential for shellfish acquaculture in Palau, Ponape, Truk and Yap. Pac.SH367.C3G4 IN
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Department of Resources & Development. Marine Resources Division. Trepang for money. Pac.SH399.T8T71 IN
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Dept. of Education. Atlas of Micronesia for elementary schools. Pac.DU500.T74 IN
Book Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Dept. of Education. Ponape Island. Talanga o Nukuoro. Pac.PL6485.Z77T73 1955 IN
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