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 7 McGregor, Andrew.
Book McGregor, Andrew M The Tongan knitwear industry : a case study in export manufacturing development in the Pacific Islands. Pac.HD9969.K7O24 1989 IN
Book McGregor, Davianna. Na Kua'aina : living Hawaiian culture. Pac.DU624.65.M454 2007 IN
Book McGregor, Gail Inclusive schooling practices : pedagogical and research foundation : a synthesis of the literature that informs best practices about inclusive schooling. LC4031.M395 1998 IN
Book McGregor, Joan. Is it rape? : on acquaintance rape and taking women's consent seriously. HV6558.M34 2005 IN
 2 McGregor, Kerry
Video McGregor, Lurline Wailana Executive Producer for PIC. Then there were none. MITC VC 1118 IN
Book McGregor, Richard, 1958- Japan swings : politics, culture, and sex in the new Japan. DS889.M382 1996 IN
 2 McGregor, Tanny.
 2 McGrory, Brian
Book McGuinness, Michael, 1935- Einstein for beginners. QC16.E5S32 IN
Book McGuire, Bill, 1954- Waking the giant : how a changing climate triggers earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes. QC981.8.C5M388 2012 IN
Serial McGuire, Greg Trade in services-market access opportunities and the benefit of liberalization for developing economies. Doc.UNCTAD/ITCD/TAB/20 IN
Book McGuire, Jake. Washington, D.C. : a photographic portrait. F195.M34 2009 IN
Book McGuire, Jamie. Beautiful disaster : a novel. PS3613.C4994B43 2012 IN
Book McGuire, Kevin, 1952- The all-new woodworking for kids. CRC TT185.M454 2008 IN
 2 McGuire, Leslie.
Book McGuire, Meredith B. Religion, the social context. BL60.M36 1997 IN
Book McGuire, Paul, 1903- Westward the course! The new world of Oceania,. Pac.DU22.M17 IN
 2 McGuire, Paula.
Book McGuire, William, 1917- American social leaders. HN65.M38 1993 IN
Book McGuire, William G. Academic advising for student success retention. LB2343.82.H6 2004 IN
Book McGurie, James The little animals big feast. CRC Pic.M33 IN
Book McHenry, Donald F. Micronesia, trust betrayed : altruism vs self interest in American foreign policy. Pac.JX4084.P27M23 IN
Book McHenry, Robert. Webster's American biographies. Ref.CT213.W43 1984 IN
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