View previous page View next page Author Search:  Ramasamy, Selvaraju, joint author.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Putnam, Samuel, 1892-1950. The sexual relations of mankind. Pac.HQ21.M323 1935 IN
 2 Putney, Mary Jo.
Serial Putti, Joseph M. Measuring modernity in Micronesia.
 3 Puttnam, David.
Book Putz, Francis E. Gap formation and forest regeneration in a Micronesian mangrove forest. Pac.QK495.M28P65 2003 IN
Book Puur, Allan. Fertility and family surveys in countries of the ECE region : standard country report, Estonia. Doc.ECE/EAD/PAU/00/14 IN
 2 Puvaneswaran, K.
Book Puvaneswaran, K., Quality Control Chemist and Toilet Products Expert. Coconut processing industry : Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.HD9259.C6P84 IN
Book Puvilland, Alex. Prince of Persia : the graphic novel. CRC PN6727.S527J67 2008 OUT
Book Puzo, Mario, 1920- The last don. PS3566.U9C57 1966 IN
 2 Pwihn en Apwahpwalih en Pohnpei
PWRB See: Pacific Women's Resource Bureau
Book Pwurokram en Wadawad en Pohnpei Ohpis en Sukuhl en Pohnpei Mwahmw akan. CRC LB1525.M9 1991 IN
 3 Pyle, Howard, 1853-1911.
Book Pyle, Kenneth B. Japan rising : the resurgence of Japanese power and purpose. DS889.5.P95 2007 IN
Kit Pyle, Michael A., (Michael Armstrong), 1953- Cliffs advanced practice for the TOEFL. PE1128.P94 1995 IN
Book Pyle, Peter, 1957- Molt and aging criteria for four North American grassland Passerines. Gov.I 49.2:M 73/2 IN
Book Pyles, Thomas, 1905- The origins and development of the English language. PE1075.P9 1991 IN
Book Pylyshyn, Zenon W., 1937- What is cognitive science?. BF311.W48 1999 IN
Book Pyrczak, Fred, author. Making sense of statistics : a conceptual overview. QA276.18.P97 2018 IN
Book Pyszka, Ronald H. Economic benefits from tourism to Guam : final report. Pac.G155.G8S55 1986a IN
Book Pytlik, Betty Parsons. Preparing college teachers of writing : histories, theories, programs, practices. PE1404.P64 2002 IN
Book Pyykkonen, Carrie. Inside "The lion, the witch, and the wardrobe" : myths, mysteries, and magic from "The Chronicles of Narnia". PR6023.E926C53225 2005 IN
Book Qalo, Ropate R. Development sustained by enterprise : toward policies for economic stimulation. Pac.HC681.A1E27 1994 no.2 IN
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