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  Author Title Call Number Status
Computer Funk & Wagnalla new encyclopedia. Microsoft encarta `96 world atlas. CD ROM 0456 1995 IN
Computer Funk & Wagnalls. Microsoft encarta `96 world atlas. CD ROM 0456 1995 IN
Book Funk & Wagnalls Company Funk & Wagnalls standard handbook of synonyms, antonyms, and prepositions. Ref.PE1591.F5 1947 IN
Book Funk, David, 1946- Teaching with love & logic : taking control of the classroom. LB3012.2.F39 1995 IN
Book Funk, Earle Charles, 1881-1957. 2107 curious word origins, saying & expressions : from white elephants to song & dance. Ref.PN6321.E374 1986 IN
Book Funk, Paul E., II, author. Army history and heritage. Gov.D114.2:H42 2022 IN
Book Funk, Tom, ill. 2107 curious word origins, saying & expressions : from white elephants to song & dance. Ref.PN6321.E374 1986 IN
 2 Funk, V. A. (Vicki A.), 1947-
Book Funk, Wilfred John, 1883-1965. Word origins and their romantic stories. Ref.PE1574.F8 1978 IN
Book Funke, Berdell R. Microbiology : an introduction. QR41.2.T67 2013 IN
Book Funnell, William. A voyage round the world : containing accounts of Captain Dampier's expedition into the South Seas in the ship St. George in the years 1703 and 1704. Pac.G420.D2F9 1969 IN
Book Furby, Dennis H. Foundation investigation Kusaie high school and Lelu dock Kusaie Island, Ponape District Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.TH425.F87 1973 IN
Book Furchgott, Eva No ka 'ilio mo'o = the brindled dog. CRC PL6448.9.A94 N6213 2008 IN
Book Fürer-Haimendorf, Christoph von, 1909- A Himalayan tribe : from cattle to cash. DS432.A6F79 1980 IN
Book Furey, John, co-author. CNMI island ecology & resource management. Pac.QH541.C65 1991 IN
Book Furgang, Adam. Searching online for image, audio, and video files. CRC ZA4675.F87 2010 IN
 6 Furgang, Kathy.
Book Furlong, Arlene. Argentina. CRC GT4890.Arg 1999 IN
Book Furlow, John J., joint author. A teacher's guide to elementary school physical education. CRC GV443.C63 1971 IN
Book Furnas, Joseph Chamberlain, 1905- Anatomy of paradise : Hawaii and the islands of the South Seas. Pac.GN662.F8 IN
Book Furnas, Miles Nitrogen and phosphorus budgets for the central Great Barrier Reef shelf. Pac.TD195.W3F87 1995 IN
Book Furness, Lindsay J. The hydrogeology and water supply of the Kingdom of Tonga. Pac.GB1193.T66F87 1993 IN
Book Furness, Lindsay J., Hydrogeologist. The hydrogeology and water supply of the Kingdom of Tonga. Pac.GB1193.T66F87 1993 IN
Book Furness, William Henry, 1866-1920. The island of stone money, Uap of the Carolines,. Pac.DU568.Y3F7 1910 c.2 IN
 4 Furrie, Betty.
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