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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Penrith, Mary-Louise. Preparation of African swine fever contingency plans. FAO.SF977.A4P74 2009 IN
Book Penros, Roger. Shadows of the mind : a search for the missing science of consciousness. Q335.P416 1994 IN
Book Penrose, Roger. The emperor's new mind : concerning computers, minds, and the laws of physics. Q335.P413 1989 IN
Mixed Pensamin Said a man from Mokil. VerF 0884.? Pac. IN
Book Penson, John B. Introduction to agricultural economics. HD1415.I68 2010 OUT
Book Penza, Kristin. Career counseling program development, College of Micronesia, Pohnpei Campus. Pac.LB2343.P38 1998 IN
Computer People Weekly. People weekly : 20 amazing years of pop culture. CD ROM 0229 1994 IN
Video Peoples, David Hiroshima remembered. MITC VC 70 IN
 3 Peoples, James G.
Video Pepenburg, Robert. Piepenburg on raku kiln building. MITC VC 918 IN
Book Pepin-Donat, Maregaret editor. Truk's underwater museum : a report on the sunken Japanese ships, Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.DU850.H49 1997 IN
 2 Pepin-Donat, Margaret.
Book Pepin, Jacques, 1958- The origins of AIDS. RA643.86.A35P465 2011 IN
Book Peppas, Lynn. Ocean, tidal, and wave energy. CRC TC147.P46 2009 IN
Book Pepper, Floy C. Maintaining sanity in the classroom : classroom management techniques. LB1065.D72 1998 IN
Book Pepper, Michael. Fast foods and short-order cooking. CRC TX945.P47 1984 IN
Book Pepperell, Liz, ill. Flowers, trees & other plants. CRC QK49.S75 1991 IN
Book Peratoner, Giovanni. Site-specific grasses and herbs : seed production and use for restoration of mountain environments. FAO.QK937.K72 2004 IN
Book Percival, W. H. Sisters in the sun; the story of Suwarrow and Palmerston atolls. Pac.DU860.H44 1973 IN
Book Percy, David R., 1946- Promotion of sustainable commercial aquaculture in sub-Saharan Africa. FAO.SH1.F2 IN
Computer Percy, Stephen L. American government. CD ROM 0405 1994 IN
Book Percy, William A. Encyclopedia of homosexuality. Ref.HQ76.25.E53 1990 IN
Book Perdomo, Willie Visiting Langston. CRC PS3566.E691216V82 2005 IN
Book Perdue, Lewis Slatewiper. PB PER 2003 OUT
Book Perdue, Theda. The Cherokee Nation and the Trail of Tears. E99.C5P41 2007 IN
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