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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Constable, George. The Neanderthals. GN285.C66 1973 IN
Book Constance, Diana. Macedonian Greece. DF901.M3C76 1982 IN
Language Constance M. Carroll Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges agenda : January 8-9, 1998 public session.
Video Constantin Film Pompeii. MITC DVD 727 IN
Book Constantine, Peter, 1963- The complete works of Isaac Babel. PG3476.B2A23 2001 IN
Video Constantino, Gerry. People power : the Phillipines experience. MITC VC 141 IN
Book Constanza, John. Heathcliff : the trickiest cat in town. CRC Pic.J39 1983 IN
 2 Constitutional Convention [1st : 1975 : Saipan, Mariana Islands].
Book Constitutional Convention of the Federated States of Micronesia (3rd : 2001 Pohnpei) The fourteen proposed Constitutional amendments comparison (in order which they appear in the Constitution. Pac.JQ6240.A2M53 2001 IN
Book Construction Management Croup, Inc. (Saipan). Proposed wastewater facilities improvement for Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia proposal letter of qualifications: AECM design services. Pac.TD624.K8C6 IN
Book Construction Management Group, Inc. Proposed wastewater facilities improvement for Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia proposal letter of qualifications: AECM design services. Pac.TD624.K8P76 1982 IN
Book Consultation Meeting on Management of Tuna Resources of the Indian and Pacific Oceans (1979 : Manila, Philippines) Report of the Consultation Meeting on Management of Tuna Resources of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, Manila, Philippines, 26-29 June, 1979. Pac.SH351.T8C66 1979 IN
Serial Consultative Group Meeting on CBPP in Africa (3rd : 2003 : Rome, Italy) Towards sustainable CBPP control programmes for Africa : FAO-OIE-AU/IBAR-IAEA Consultative Group on Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia third meeting, Rome, 12-14 November 2003. FAO.SF964.C66 2003 IN
Book Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. Research towards integrated natural resources management : examples of research problems, approaches, and partnerships in action in the CGIAR. FAO.S944.5.I57R47 2003 IN
Serial Consultative Meeting of Research and Training Institutions in the South Pacific Region. Report. Pac.TD189.C65 1986 IN
Book Consultative Meeting of Research and Training Institutions in the South Pacific Region (1st : 1983 : Suva, Fiji) First Consultative Meeting of Research and Training Institutions in the South Pacific : Suva, Fiji, 18-20 April 1983 : report. Pac.HC681.3.E5C66 1983 IN
Book Consultative Meeting of Research and Training Institutions in the South Pacific Region. (3rd: 1986: Guam). Report. Pac.TD189.C65 1986 IN
Mixed Consumers International. Consumer education: SPC regional nutritionist's workshop. Pac.TX360.O3S68 1998 IN
 2 Consumers Union of United States.
Book Conte, Eric Tereraa : voyaging and the colonization of the Pacific Islands. Pac. DU28.C668 1992 IN
Video Conte, Mark Spartacus. MITC ENT 18 OUT
Book Contemporary Art Society (London, England) British contemporary art 1910-1990 : eighty years of collecting by the Contemporary Art Society. N6768.C62 1991 IN
Serial Contemporary Pacific 2000 Spring Festival mania, tourism and nation building in Fiji: the case of the Hibiscus Festival.
Video Conti, Bill. The adventures of Huckleberry Finn. MITC VC 568 IN
 4 Continental Air Micronesia.
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