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  Author Title Call Number Status
Video Pacific Resources for Education and Learing. Leadership makes a difference. MITC VC 820 IN
 66 Pacific Resources for Education and Learning.
Book Pacific Resources for Education and Learning Board of Directors Annual meeting / PREL Board of Directors. Pac. LB2285.P32P34 1997a IN
 6 Pacific Resources for Education and Learning (Organization).
Serial Pacific Resources for Education and Learning. Pacific Center. Pacific Center news. Pac.Per.LB2822.83.P23P33 IN
 14 Pacific Resources for Education and Learning (PREL).
Video Pacific Resources, Inc. The navigators pathfinders of the Pacific. MITC VC 1 c.2 IN
Book Pacific Rim Food Conference (1st : 1960 : Honolulu) Technical papers of the first Pacific Rim Food Conference. Pac. HD9018 .O26 T34 1960 IN
Book Pacific Rim Symposium (5th : 1998 : Cairns, Qld.) Pacific people and their food. Pac.HD9018.P16P33 1998 IN
 33 Pacific Science Association.
Serial Pacific Science Association (12th : 1971 : Canberra, A.C.T.) Twelfth Pacific Science Congress : record of proceedings, Vol.2, formal proceedings, Canberra, Australia, 18 August 3 September, 1971. Pac.Q101P27 1971a IN
Serial Pacific Science Association (13th : 1975 : Vancouver, Canada) Thirteenth Pacific Science Congress, records of proceedings, vol. 1 : abstract of papers. Pac.Q101P28 1975 IN
Book Pacific Science Association. Council. Secretariat. Organizations engaged in scientific research on an international scale in the Pacific. Pac.Q180.A1P32 1953 IN
Book Pacific Science Association. Pacific Science Congress (14th : 1979 : Khabarovsk, R.S.F.S.R.) Persistence and exchange : papers from a symposium on ecological problems of the traditional societies of the Pacific region : XIV Pacific Science Congress, Khabarovsk, U.S.S.R., August--September, 1979. Pac.GN663.P47 IN
Serial Pacific Science Association. Scientific Committee on Coral Reefs. Coral reef newsletter. Pac.QE565.C67 IN
Serial Pacific Science Association. Scientific Program Committee. Collection of abstracts : XVIII Pacific Science Congress, June 5-12, 1995, Beijing, China: population, resources and environment: prospects and initiatives. Pac.Q101.P2832 1995 IN
Book Pacific Science Association. Standing Committee on Pacific Botany. A dictionary of vernacular names of Pacific food plants. Pac.QK98.5.P2 1961 IN
 2 Pacific Science Board
Book Pacific Science Board, National Academy of Sciences. The material culture of Truk. Pac.GN671.T7L4 IN
Book Pacific Science Board. National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council. "Project coral fish" : marine biological survey in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands ; progress report to the Office of the High Commissioner, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.QL636.5.T7H37 IN
Book Pacific Science Board, National Research Council. Preliminary report on marine biology study of Onotoa Atoll, Gilbert Islands. Pac.QH95.55.G3B3 IN
Book Pacific Science Board of the National Research Council. Magic and medicine in Ponape. Pac.GN477.4.R54 1948 IN
Book Pacific Science Board. The National Research Council. The flora of Ponape. ARC.QK473.P6G4 1952 IN
Book Pacific Science Conference (1946 : Washington, D.C.) Proceedings of the Pacific Science Conference of the National Research Council held at National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., June 6-8, 1946. Pac.Q11.N292 1946 no.114 IN
 7 Pacific Science Congress.
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