View previous page View next page Author Search:  Hurtubise, Louis
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Inness, Donna Shenanigames: grammar-focused interactive ESL/EFL activities and games. CRC PE1112.K19 1997 IN
Serial Inokuchi, Hiroo Preliminary report on paleomagnetism of rocks from Palau islands and Yap islands, Philippine sea.
Book Inokuma, Isao. Best judo. GV1114.I55 1979 IN
Book Inomata, Maho Micronesian unity at the crossroads : past events and future perspectives. Pac.DU500.I56 IN
 2 Inos, Rita Hocog.
 3 Inoue, Akio.
Book Inoue, Tamiji Bornean tropical rainforest : International field biology course (IFBC). Pac.QH193.S6B67 1996 IN
Mixed Inoue, Toshiyuki Director English-speaking Union of Japan. 2nd Annual COM-FSM English speech contest 2008.
Book Inoue, Yasushi, 1907- joint author. Letters of four seasons. PL723.I3 1980 IN
Mixed Inoue, Yoneji. "The Japanese Navy weather squadron's deployment in Micronesia".
 2 Inoue, Yukiko
Book Inouye, Charles Shir¯o. In light of shadows : more Gothic tales by Izumi Ky¯oka. PL809.Z9A23 2005 IN
Book Inouye, Frank T., 1920-1995. The University of Hawai'i--Hilo : a college in the making. Pac.LD2222.3.U55 2001 IN
Book Insel, Paul M. Core concepts in health. RA776.C83 2004 IN
Video Inservice Video Network How to make a better test. MITC VC 1164 A IN
Book Inshore and Nearshore Resources Training Workshop (1981 : Suva, Fiji). Report on the Inshore and Nearshore Resources Training Workshop, Suva, Fiji, 13-17 July 1981. Pac.GC1023.97.I67 1981 IN
 2 Inshore Fisheries Research Project (South Pacific Commission)
 14 Insight Media
 2 Insight Media (Firm)
Mixed Insko, Lee. Inhalant abuse in the Pacific Islands : gasoline sniffing in Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia. VerF 0087.94 Pac IN
Serial Inspectors Council on Inegrity and Efficiency (U.S.) The journal of public inquiry a publication of the Inspectors General of the United States. Gov. PR 42.8/4: IN
Serial Inspectors General of the United States The journal of public inquiry a publication of the Inspectors General of the United States. Gov. PR 42.8/4: IN
Video Inspirational Films Jesus. MITC ENT 73 B OUT
Video Institut De La Communication Audiovisuelle. Heiva I Tahiti 97. MITC VC 946 IN
Book Institut d'e´levage et de me´decine ve´te´rinaire des pays tropicaux. Revue d'e´levage et de me´decine ve´te´rinaire de Nouvelle Cale´donie. Pac.SF1.R485 1987 no.9 IN
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