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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Jongsma, Arthur E., 1943- The special education treatment planner. LC4031.W55 2001 IN
eBook Jongstra, Eduard. Population and development planning in the Pacific : Accelerating the ICPD Program of Action /.
Book Jongwanich, Juthathip. Workers' remittances, economic growth and poverty in developing Asia and the Pacific countries. Pac.HD8653.5.J69 2007 IN
Book Jonker, M. A. Worldwide regulations for mycotoxins in food and feed in 2003. FAO.TX341.F605 IN
Book Jonsson, Erik. "The Carolinian cane as a navagation instrument". Pac.GN440.J651 IN
Mixed Jonsson, Patrik. Racial harrassment in ruder America. VF 180 JON 2000 IN
Video Jonze, Spike. Three kings. MITC VC 624 IN
Book Joos, Ghislaine, ed. Archimedes. CRC QA22.G74 1977 IN
Book Joosten, Hans. Peatlands : guidance for climate change mitigation through conservation, rehabilitation and sustainable use. FAO.QH87.3.P43 2012 IN
Book Jopling, Carol F. Art and aesthetics in primitive societies; a critical anthology. Pac.N5311.J66 1971 IN
Book Jordan, Apple. The dog : best in show. CRC SF429.H6 J65 2008 OUT
Book Jordan, Bill. Elementary and intermediate algebra. QA152.3.C23 2011 OUT
Book Jordan, Bradford D. Essentials of corporate finance. HG4026.R73 2001 IN
Book Jordan, Carl F. Nutrient cycling in tropical forest ecosystems : principles and their application in management and conservation. QH84.5.J67 1985 IN
 3 Jordan, Claudio Castillo
Book Jordan, David K. The minor arts of daily life : popular culture in Taiwan. HN747.5.M56 2004 IN
Book Jordan, Fred (Fred H.) Innovating America : innovations in state and local government, an awards program of the Ford Foundation and the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. JK2408.J64 1990 IN
Video Jordan, Grainna. Understandng forest conversation. MITC VC 904 c.1 IN
Book Jordan, Jessica. Distant Pagan. Pac.DU625.J67 2008 IN
Book Jordan, LuAnn Making inclusion work: effective practices for all teachers. LC1200.B38 2006 IN
Book Jordan, Mary Kaye. Reading and writing for academic success. PE1413.J64 2003 IN
Book Jordan, Michael, 1944- Fifty strategies for teaching English language learners. PE1128.A2H467 2004 IN
Mixed Jordan, Michael J. Epic poisoning of Europe's rivers. VF 114 JOR 2000 IN
 7 Jordan, Nicole.
Book Jordan, Penny. Stranger from the past. PB JOR OUT
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