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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Dodd, Edward, 1905- Polynesian seafaring; a disquisition on prehistoric celestial navigation and the nature of seagoing double canoes, with illustrations reproducing original field sketches, wash drawings, or prints by artists on the early voyages of exploration and occasional written reports from on-the-scene observers. Pac.GN440.D65 IN
Book Dodd, Emma, 1969- ill. I love my daddy. CRC PZ8.3.A2 2012 IN
Mixed Dodd, Joseph D. Set Design. Taimwahn the demon : [the program].
Mixed Dodd Jr., C. Kenneth Does sea turtle aquaculture benefit conservation?. VerF.1304 Pac. IN
Book Dodd, Walter Fairleigh, 1880-1960. Modern constitutions : a collection of the fundamental laws of twenty-two of the most important countries of the world : with historical and bibliographical notes. KF157.E5M63 2003 IN
Book Dodds, Bill. The seeker's guide to 7 life-changing virtues. BV4635.D63 1999 IN
 2 Dodds, Dayle Ann
Book Dodds, Felix. How to lobby at intergovernmental meetings : mine's a caffe latte. JZ4850.D63 2004 IN
Book Dodds, Michael J. The seeker's guide to 7 life-changing virtues. BV4635.D63 1999 IN
Book Dodge, Andrew R., 1947- Biographical directory of the United States Congress, 1774-2005 : the Continental Congress, September 5, 1774, to October 21, 1788, and the Congress of the United States, from the First through the One Hundred Eighth Congresses, March 4, 1789, to January 3, 2005, inclusive. Gov.Y 1.1/7:108-222 IN
 4 Dodge, Diane Trister
 3 Dodge, Ernest Stanley.
Book Dodge, Mark. Running Microsoft Excel for Windows 95. HF5548.4.M523D63 1995 OUT
Mixed Dodson, J. R. Prehistory and palaeoecology of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia. VerF 0860.99 Pac. IN
Mixed Dodson, J.R. Department of Geography. University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Perth 6907, WA Australia. Prehistory and palaeoecology of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia. VerF 0860.99 Pac. IN
Video Dodson, James. Quest of the delta knights. MITC VC 158 IN
Book Doerr, Anthony, 1973- All the light we cannot see : a novel. PS3604.O34A77 2014 IN
Book Doherty, Brigid. Dada : Zurich, Berlin, Hannover, Cologne, New York, Paris. NX456.5.D3D55 2005 IN
Book Doherty, Robert. Area 51 the mission : a novel. PB DOH 1999 OUT
Book Doi, Dexter. Soelmol tarmwal lea re hattoaloap ngo re wa teayissoerlohmwo : trial version, ha soer yaemi liuliuwal iyang, UIL 6. Pac.PL6341.Z77L22 1980 IN
Book Doi, Hitoka. Effect of L-dopa on clinical duration and quality of life in Parkinsonism-Dementia of Guam. VerF 0887.83 Pac IN
Book Doi, Takeo, $d1920-2009. The anatomy of dependence. BF575.D34D6413 IN
Book Doig, Peter, 1882- A concise history of astronomy. QB16.D68 1950 IN
Book Doig, Peter, 1959- Works on paper. ND497.D55A4 2005 IN
Mixed Dois, Endy 1930- Senator. Dois, Endy : papers and news articles. VerF 0209 Pac IN
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