View previous page View next page Author Search:  Yoakam, Linda R.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Yongxuan, Liang Traditional Chinese medicine. R601.Y664 2018 IN
Book Yoon, Jeongkoo. Social commitments in a depersonalized world. HM1106.L39 2009 IN
Video Yoon, Kyung. South Korea : From Illiteracy to affluence. MITC VC 1006 IN
Mixed Yoon, Rosanna L. Abundance distribution of holothuroids (echinodermata:holothuroidea) on a windward and leeward fringing coral reef, Guam, Mariana Islands/. VerF.141.2 Pac. IN
 2 Yoon, Selina.
Book Yopp, Hallie Kay Oo-pples and boo-noo-noos : song and activities for phonemic awareness. CRC LB1573.Y67 1997 IN
Book Yopp, Ruth Helen. Oo-pples and boo-noo-noos : song and activities for phonemic awareness. CRC LB1573.Y67 1997 IN
Book Yorinks, Adrienne, ill. The alphabet atlas. CRC Ref.G133.Y67 1999 IN
Book Yorinks, Arthur. The alphabet atlas. CRC Ref.G133.Y67 1999 IN
 2 York-Barr, Jennifer
Video York, Dick, 1928. Inherit the wind. MITC VC 854 IN
Video York Films of England The solar system. MITC DVD 1 (A) IN
Book York, Jay. Conferencing with webboard. Ref.TK5105.888.P42 1998 IN
Video York, Michael. Romeo and Juliet. MITC VC 148 IN
 2 York, Pat, 1949-
Book York, Rebecca Shadow of the moon. PB YOR 2006 OUT
Map Yorke, Steven G. Australians, a historical atlas. Ref.G2751.S1A8 1987 IN
Book Yorkey, Richard Teaching North American English pronunciation : a brief introduction with photocopyable handouts. CRC PE1072.C53 2011 IN
Computer Yorkshire International Thomson Multimedia Ltd. Religions of the world. CD ROM 0172 1995 IN
 2 Yorkston, Mitsuko
Book Yorlang, James, illustrator. Never and always : Micronesian stories of the origins of islands, landmarks, and customs. Pac.GR385.M5C72 1978 IN
Mixed Yoror, Ezra Human Resources Office, Inactive Regular Employees files.
Book Yoruw, Patricia M. Yap State history : social studies curriculum, seventh grade. Pac.DU568.Y3B656 1993 IN
Book Yoshida, Chiaki, 1918- Kabuki. PN2924.5.K3G94 1985 IN
Book Yoshida, Kōzō. Physical oceanography in the Marshall Islands area : Bikini and nearby atolls, Marshall Islands. Pac.GC771.M36 1955 IN
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