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  Author Title Call Number Status
Serial Lantos, Tom (Calif.) Chairman. U.S. re-engagement in the global effort to fight climate change.
Book Lanwi, Isaac. Ophthalmological survey of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.Per.DU1.S588 no.67 IN
Book Lanza, Roberto. The earth's magnetism : an introduction for geologists. QC815.2.L29 2006 IN
Book Lao, She, 1899-1966. Blades of grass : the stories of Lao She. PL2804 .C5 A26 1999 IN
Book Laozi, author. Laws divine and human. BL1900.L26E5 2018 IN
Book Lapani, Charles Director's report to the 12th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Pacific Islands Conference. Pac.HC681.P298 1987 IN
Book Lapena, Shari. The couple next door : a novel. PR9199.4.L366 2017 IN
Book Lapidus, Ira M. (Ira Marvin) A history of Islamic societies. DS35.63.L37 2002 IN
Book Lapierre, Dominique, joint author. Is Paris burning?. D762.P3L34 1965 IN
Book LaPierre, Wayne, 1949- Guns, crime, and freedom. HV7436.L365 1994 IN
Book Lapin, Lawrence L. Quantative methods for business decisions : with cases. HD69.D4A3 1991 IN
Book Lapine, Missy Chase. The sneaky chef : how to cheat on your man (in the kitchen) : hiding healthy foods in hearty meals any guy will love. TX714.L31 2008 IN
Video Lapira, Bong. People power : the Phillipines experience. MITC VC 141 IN
Serial Lapo, M. Overseas trade. Pac.HF283.O25 S68a 1985 IN
Book Lapp, Diana Stepping out. CRC Pic.A76 1989 IN
Book Lapp, Diane. Handbook of research on teaching literacy through the communicative and visual arts. Ref.P91.3.H36 1997 IN
Book Lapp, Ralph Eugene, 1917- The voyage of the Lucky Dragon. Pac.UF767.L27 IN
Book Lappé, Frances Moore. World hunger : 12 myths. HD9000.5.L33 1998 IN
 2 Lappi, Megan.
Video Lappin, Arthur. In America. MITC VC 1230 IN
Book Lappin, Todd. The great thoughts of China : 3,000 years of wisdom that shaped a civilization. Ref.PN6095.C4G74 1996 IN
 4 Laqueur, Walter, 1921-
 2 Laracy, Hugh.
Book Larcom, Joan Women’s roles in South Pacific agriculture : Their roles as agricultural extensionist agents. Pac.S544.5.O25L37 1987 IN
Book Lardner, Robin W., joint author. Mathematics for the biological sciences. QH323.5.A79 1979 IN
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