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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Strong, Harry M. Financial management and ADP support in the Micronesian islands. Pac.HJ1809.M5S77 1980 IN
Book Strong, James, 1822-1894. The exhaustive concordance of the Bible : showing every word of the text of the common English versions of the canonical books, and each occurrence of each word in regular order; together with Dictionaries of the Hebrew and Greek Words of the original, with references to the English words:. Ref.BS425.S8 1980 IN
 3 Strong, Richard W., 1946-
 2 Strong, Ronald D.
Book Strong, Sunny. Children’s books : a practical guide to selection. CRC Z718.1.V26 2007 IN
Book Strong, Tony. The poison tree. PB STR 1997 IN
Book Strong, William, 1940- Sentence combining : a composing book. PE1408.S7713 1994 IN
 2 Strong, William E.
 3 Stronge, James H.
Book Strongin, Gloria. Science on a shoestring. CRC QC33.S76 1991 IN
Book Strongin, Herb. Science on a shoestring. CRC QC33.S76 1991 IN
Book Strongin, Kara. Science on a shoestring. CRC QC33.S76 1991 IN
Book Strosahl, Kirk, 1950- Acceptance and commitment therapy : an experiential approach to behavior change. RC489.C62H39 1999 IN
Book Stroshine, Meghan S. Policing : continuity and change. HV8139.A7 2006 IN
Book Stroud, Jonathan. Heroes of the valley. PZ7.S92475 2009 OUT
Book Stroup, Edward D. National Science Foundation: research experience for Undergraduates Program selected research reports 1991-1992. Pac.QF96.75.H28R22 1992 IN
Book Stroven, Carl, 1901- A Hawaiian reader. Pac.DU620.3.D3 1959 IN
Book Strozak, Victor S. Glencoe science chemistry : concepts and applications. CRC QD33.2.P54 2009 IN
Book Strozzi, Paola. Making learning visible : children as individual and group learners. LB1140.25.I8M35 2001 IN
 3 Struck, M.R.
Book Struck, M. Rodney. Acanthaster planci, crown-of-thorns starfish : Survey of Islands and Atolls in the Central Carolines, Yap and Truk Districts; submitted to Marine Resources Division, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.QL384.A8B7 IN
 3 Strudwick, Leslie, 1970-
Book Strum, Shirley C. (Shirley Carol), 1947- Almost human : a journey into the world of baboons. QL737.P93S79 1987 IN
Book Strunk, William, 1869-1946. The elements of style. PE1408.S8 2009 OUT
Book Struthers, Jane. Britain from the air. DA667.S77 1993 IN
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