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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Wichman, Juliet Rice. A chronicle and flora of Niihau. Pac. QK473 .H4 W52 1990 IN
Book Wichman, Vaine. Cook Islands : 2001 economic report : policies for progress. Pac.HC667.C76C65 2002 IN
Book Wichmann, Elizabeth. Listening to theatre : the aural dimension of Beijing Opera. MT95.W49 1989 IN
Book Wichmann, Siegfried, 1921- Japonisme : the Japanese influence on western art in the 19th and 20th centuries. N6447.W5313 1985 IN
Book Wick, Oliver. Nukuoro : sculptures from Micronesia. Pac.NB1111.M625N85 2013 IN
Book Wick, Walter. I spy : a book of picture riddles. CRC Pic.W52 1992 OUT
Book Wicker, Tom. One of us : Richard Nixon and the American dream. E856.W52 1991 IN
Book Wickham-Crowley, Timothy P., 1951- Guerrillas and revolution in Latin America : a comparative study of insurgents and regimes since 1956. JC491.W53 1991 IN
 2 Wickler, Stephen
Book Wickman, Stephen B., 1953- Belgium, a country study. DH418.B44 1984 IN
Book Wickramasinghe, N.C Unlocking the mysteries of birth and death : Buddhism in the contemporary world. BQ8415.4.I3 1988 IN
Book Wickramasinghe, N. C. (Nalin Chandra), 1939- Space and eternal life : a dialogue between Daisaku Ikeda and Chandra Wickramasinghe. BQ4570.S3I3 1998 IN
Book Wicks-Nelson, Rita. Developmental psychology. BF713.L53 1993 IN
 3 Wiebe, Arthur.
Book Wiebe, Robert H. The search for order, 1877-1920. E661.W58 1967 IN
Book Wied Zu, Maximilian. People of the first man : life among the Plain Indians in their final days of glory. E78.G73W5 1976 IN
 3 Wieder, Serena.
Book Wiegand, Wayne A., 1946- Encyclopedia of library history. Ref.Z721.E54 1994 IN
Book Wiegandt, Axel. Tuberculosis surveillance in the Pacific island countries and territories : 2009 report. Pac.RA644.T7O36 2009 IN
Book Wiegandt, Klaus. Feeding the planet : environmental protection through sustainable agriculture. HC79.E5H31413 2009 IN
Book Wiegele, Katharine L., 1966- Investing in miracles : El Shaddai and the transformation of popular Catholicism in the Philippines. BX1658.2W54 2005 IN
Book Wiegman, Leo A. W. The climate solutions consensus. QC903.B56 2010 IN
Book Wieland, Robert. Fish, markets, and fishermen : the economics of overfishing. SH334.T84 1999 IN
Book Wiemker, Rafael Open Skies : a cooperative aproach to military transparency and confidence building. Doc.UNIDIR/2004/18 IN
Book Wien, Byron. Soros on Soros : staying ahead of the curve. HG172.S63A5 1995 IN
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