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  Author Title Call Number Status
 2 Tunidau-Schultz, Jimaima.
Book Tunidau-Schultz, Jimaina The fruits we eat : handbook. Pac.RA601.S68 2001 IN
Book Tupa, Robbie. Concerning creative writing : learning centers, games, activities, and ideas for the elementary classroom. CRC LB1576.F77 1974 IN
Book Tupou, Michelle Marie Kamakanoenoe Nelson. "Pacific voices" through film : film as a vehicle in uniting oral and written traditions in Polynesia. Pac.GR380.T83 2000 IN
Serial Tupou, Siutoni Fruit flies in Tonga. Pac.SB605.O3S68 no. 41 IN
 2 Tupouniua, Sione.
 2 Tupper, M.H.
Book Tupuola, Anne-Maria. Creating successful students : an education project involving students and their community = Fehoahoaniga ke ikumanuia ana akoga. Pac.LC3739.9.N5P26 1999 IN
 2 Turabian, Kate L.
Book Turay, Abdul M. US-Japan trade friction : its impact on security cooperation in the Pacific Basin. Pac.HF3127.U8 1991 IN
Mixed Turbang, Joseph Report to the Congress of Micronesia on forest resources and development prospects. Pac.SD244.9.T87 1976 IN
Book Turbott, E. G. (Evan Graham) Buller's birds of New Zealand : a history of the birds of New Zealand by Sir Walter Lawry Buller. Pac.QL693.B84 1967 IN
Book Turchyn, Sandie, ill. The girls' guide to dreams. CRC Ref.BF1099.C55T46 2003 IN
Book Turcott, Bruce M. The beginnings of the Federated States of Micronesia supreme court. Pac.KTFM5.T87 IN
Book Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich, 1818-1883. Fathers and sons. PG3421.T87 1966 OUT
 2 Turiel, Elliot.
Book Turk, Dennis C. Psychological approaches to pain management : a practitioner's handbook. RB127.P82 2002 IN
Book Turk, Jonathan. Modern physical geology. QE501.T48 1991 IN
Book Turke, Paul William, 1953. Fertility determinants on Ifaluk and Yap : test of economic and Darwian hypotheses. Pac.HB881.Y3T8 IN
 12 Turkington, Carol.
Book Turkle, Sherry. Alone together : why we expect more from technology and less from each other. HM851.T86 2011 IN
 3 Turnbull, Ann P., 1947-
Book Turnbull, Colin M. The mountain people. DT429.T87 1972 IN
 3 Turnbull, H. Rutherford.
 2 Turnbull, Janiece.
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