View previous page View next page Author Search:  Brown, Lester R.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Serial Cairns, Stephen D. Catalog of the type specimens of stony corals (Milleporidae, Stylasteridae, Scleractinia) in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institition / Stephen D. Cairns. Gov. SI 1.27:514 IN
 2 Cairns, Trevor
Video Caivelli, Manuela TOSCA. MITC VC 170 IN
 2 Cakmis, Bill
Book Calamari, John D. Calamari and Perillo on contracts. Ref.KF801.C26 2003 IN
Book Calbeck, Pam. Community health for nursing practice. RT55.C6545 2004 IN
Book Calcagno, Alfredo Fernando, editor. Rethinking development strategies after the financial crisis. Doc.HD73.U55 2016 IN
Book Calder, Alex Voyages and beaches : Pacific encounters, 1769-1840. Pac. DU20 V69 1999 IN
Book Calder, Lyn. Little red hen. CRC.Pic.C154 1988 IN
Book Calderon, Margarita. Designing and implementing two-way bilingual programs : a step-by-step guide for administrators, teachers, and parents. LC3731.C29 2003 IN
Book Caldon, Michael Taste and other tales. CRC.PZ6.C34 1999 IN
Book Caldwell, Elsie (Noble) Satin skirts of commerce. Pac.G463.C25 IN
Book Caldwell, John C. Let's visit Micronesia : Guam (USA) and Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.DU500.C34 IN
Book Caldwell, John C. (John Cope), 1913- Let's visit the South Pacific; Fiji, Tonga, Tahiti. Pac.DU23.C3 IN
Book Caldwell, Mary Sue 1943- A history of the Guam Public library system 1947-1975. Pac.Z871.G8C35 1977 IN
 4 Caldwell, Michael F.
Book Caldwell, Michael F. consultant Yap State school system : five year strategic plan objective indicator development and operational objective prioritization: activation an approach for fy 2010. Pac.LC96.97.Y3Y37 2009 IN
Book Caldwell, Richard G. Land leasing in the FSM : a report on long-term land leasing and leashold mortgaging. Pac.HD1129.M5C34 1999 IN
 3 Caldwell, Sue.
Book Calebaugh, Jeffrey P. Catalog of tsunamis in Hawaii. Pac.GC223.H3P37 1977 IN
Book Calendrillo, Linda T. Language and image in the reading-writing classroom : teaching vision. LB1576.L283 2002 IN
Book Calfo, Anthony. Book of coral reef propagation. reef gardening for aquarists. Ref.SF457.1.C35 2001 IN
Video Calhern, Louis The student prince. MITC VC 739 IN
Book Calhoun, C. Raymond, 1913- Typhoon, the other enemy : the Third Fleet and the Pacific storm of December 1944. Pac.D774.P5C34 IN
Book Calhoun, Cheshire. Setting the moral compass : essays by women philosophers. BJ1395.S48 2004 IN
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