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  Author Title Call Number Status
Serial KIM & TOMITA Certified Public Accountants. U corporation financial statements, December 31, 1978 : (with review report thereon). Pac.HF5667.6.U1 1979 IN
Book Kim, C. I. Eugene (Chong Ik Eugene), 1930- The Asian political dictionary. Ref.DS31.Z6 1985 IN
Book Kim, Dai You. Taro culture as practiced by the Yapese. Pac.SB211.T3K5 IN
 2 Kim, Dennis
Book Kim, Eun-seop. Kyung-Chik Han collectioin. Ref.BX8915.H36K98 2010 IN
Book Kim, H. Edward (Heechoong Edward), 1940- The Korean smile. DS904.K5529 1987 IN
Book Kim, Henny H., 1968- Child abuse. HV6626.52.K56 2000 IN
Book Kim, Jeannie. The whole you, a guide to life. Creativity. CRC BF724.K56 2002 IN
Book Kim, Joanes S. Town Study Project : student papers. Pac.DU568.T7X3 IN
Book Kim, Joung Un, ill. Sid's Surprise. CRC.Pic.C27 2001 IN
Book Kim, Kwang, 1959- National Household Education Surveys of 2001 : participation in adult education and lifelong learning, 2000-01. Gov.ED1.302:ED8/21 IN
Mixed Kim, Kyoung Mee Apoptosis-inducing activity of marine sponge Haliclona sp. extracts collected from Kosrae in nonsmall cell lung cancer A549 Cells. VerF.0924 Pac. IN
Mixed Kim, Lecian. Weighing right in adoption case. VF 246 KIM 2001 IN
Book Kim, Monessa Tuttunapen Uwaaw. Pac.PL6318.Z77T88 2003 IN
eBook Kim, Myjolynne Combating "Dreaded Hogoleu" : Re-Centering Chuukese Histories and Stories of Chuukese Warfare /.
Serial Kim, Sun W. Shallow-water holothuroids (Echinodermata) of Yap, Federated.
Book Kim, W. Chan, joint ed. The Pacific challenge in international business. Pac.HC460.5.P32 1987 IN
 2 Kim, Won, 1955-
Mixed Kim, Yong-taek Siahk en Pingelap mahs : documentation and publication of Pingelapese endangered traditions project. VerF(2) 0004 Pac. c.3 IN
Book Kim, Young-kwon. A handbook of Korea. DS902.H2864 1983 IN
Book Kim, Yung-Hee. Readings in modern Korean literature. PL913.R43 2004 IN
Book Kimball, Linda Hoffman, ill. Activities in physical sciences. QC33.C43 1984 IN
Computer Kimberly, Paul. Volcanoes of Indonesia. Gov.SI1.49:V88/CD IN
Book Kimbrell, Andrew. Your right to know : genetic engineering and the secret changes in your food. TP248.65.F66K56 2007 IN
Book Kimbrell, Grady. Entering the world of work. HF5381.2.K48 1989 IN
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